Virtual Classroom
Imagine a future free from cyber bullying
These sessions ask students to imagine a school, in the near future where students use technology without fear of bullying and harassment – a place where students feel empowered to solve online bullying issues together and where teachers and students work together to ensure safe online spaces for all.
This presentation deliverd by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner will assist students to:
- Identify how the actions of bystanders, friends and family can prevent and/or stop online bullying and harassment.
- Propose strategies for managing the changing nature of relationships including dealing with cyber bullying and building online friendships.
- Propose ways to share information about local services young people can access for help with cyber-bullying issues.
The session will run on Adobe Connect for approximately 40mins. The session will be capped at 150 connections. A reminder with the room link will be sent in the morning of your session.
Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students
Dates and Times
Find out more
- Victorian Anti Bullying and Mental Health Initiative
- National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence – Register your school to find lesson plans, activities and order wristbands
Test Adobe: You can test your Adobe Connect connection at any time at the DET test room.
Find out more and register

Author: rcrellin
Senior Program Officer, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development