Digital Technologies Curriculum: Teacher Information Webinars – Registrations open. The Digital Technologies Curriculum forms part of the new Victorian Curriculum F-10, recently launched by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). All government schools will be required to implement and report on this in 2017. Information is available via the VCAA website, and can be accessed here. (DET School Update 27 October 2015)
Primary and Secondary Students Investigate Robotics at Swinburne – During the school holidays, students participated in a three-day robotics course at Swinburne University. Led by senior education lecturer, Dr Therese Keane, the NAO robotics course introduced students to programming and enabled them to work closely with amazing technology (School Update, 13th October, 2015).
A Gameful World – Education in Games Summit: As part of International Games Week in the last week of October, Victorian primary and secondary students will have the opportunity to listen to some of the leading players in the game development industry. With its growing popularity among young people and the world, the Education in Games Summit 2015 is an ideal opportunity for students to leap into this industry. (School update, 6th October, 2015)
Promote SchoolMate to Parents at Your School: Thanks to all those schools sharing the word about our SchoolMate app with your parents. We have had over 6000 downloads so far. Help us reach thousands more parents by continuing to spread the word about SchoolMate. (DET School Update, 2nd June 2015)
Report Cyberbullying in Australia: A new website for children to report instances of cyberbullying has gone live, thanks to new legislation directed at enhancing the safety and security of children online. Children are able to report when they are being bullied online, or if they have viewed something that may be illegal or offensive. Continue Reading (DET School Update 14 July 2015)
Have You Heard of the SchoolMate App?: Find out more about what your kids are learning at school according to the AusVELS Victorian Curriculum. SchoolMate provides great school holiday and weekend activities for families which support what your children are learning at school. (DET School Update, 23rd June 2015)
Promote SchoolMate to Parents at Your School: Thanks to all those schools sharing the word about our SchoolMate app with your parents. We have had over 6000 downloads so far. Help us reach thousands more parents by continuing to spread the word about SchoolMate. (DET School Update, 2nd June 2015)
SchoolMate App Launched!: The Department, with the help of Victoria’s teaching associations, has created an app for parents to help them better understand the key components of school curriculum. SchoolMate aims to help parents become more involved in their children’s education and is available for free download now. (DET School Update 26 May 2015)
Promote SchoolMate to Parents at Your School: Support parents in your school community to be more actively involved in their child’s learning by spreading the word about SchoolMate. (DET School Update 26 May 2015)
Education Week Gets Underway: The 71st Victorian Education Week celebrations have kicked off at schools across the state, with a special focus this year on maths. Hundreds of schools and some early years education providers will open their doors to their community to showcase how they are helping every child reach his or her full potential. (DET School Update 19 May 2015)
A fourth round of Bully Stoppers grants is being offered to Victorian Schools to fund projects that focus on cyberbullying. Complete an application by Tuesday 26 May. (DET School Update 19 May 2015)A fourth round of Bully Stoppers grants is being offered to Victorian Schools to fund projects that focus on cyberbullying. Complete an application by Tuesday 26 May, School Update Tuesday 5 May 2015
Peer Coaching for ICT School Leaders – Embed professional learning within the school and leverage existing knowledge and expertise in digital technologies. Participants will need to attend all three worshop days to receive accreditation. School Update Tuesday 5 May 2015
iPads for Learning – Teachers and leaders who use iPads in their teaching programs can participate in a range of sessions through the Department’s Virtual Conference Centre to further develop their skills. Session Four: iPad Tips and Tricks – 12 May. Session 5: Assessment and Workflow Part 1 – School Update Tuesday 5 May 2015
iPads for Learning – Teachers and leaders who use iPads in their teaching programs can participate in a range of sessions through the department’s Virtual Conference Centre to further develop their skills. Session one: Introduction to your iPad – 21 April Session two: Start creating with your iPad – 28 April – DET School Update, 14th April
‘Crack the code with maths!’ this Education Week by getting your school involved in maths and coding-themed activities. Primary Schools can also take part in the Great Victorian Coding Challenge as a fun way to learn or improve coding skills in the lead-up to Education Week. – DET School Update, Tuesday 24th March, 2015 and 14th April
S068-2015 Licence to Screen Films for Non-Educational Purposes: Principals are reminded that schools are not permitted to play films to students for non-educational purposes unless they obtain a Co-Curricular licence from the Australian distributor. – DET School Update, 3rd March 2015
Bendigo Students Create a Job Finding App: Bendigo Senior Secondary College has launched a free app for young people and students looking for work. MYJOB features templates for cover letters, resumes, tips on preparing for interviews, information on how to get a tax file number, advice on becoming work ready and a jobs board. – News Bulletin, 17th March, 2015, DET School Update, 17th March, 2015
New Website Provides Education Support Staff the Opportunity to Connect – A group of Education Support Network Leaders are working towards connecting Education Support Staff with a brand new website. Integration Aides Connect will help staff from all across Australia build relationships outside the usual network meetings or occasional professional development events. – DET School Update, 17th March, 2015
The Young Devices – A short cartoon created by Cranbourne-Carlisle primary school that follows a day in the life of the young devices at their primary school. Someone has been posting humiliating pictures online using someone else’s account. Watch the video to see the outcome (published DET School update, 17/02/2015)
Bullying. No Way – Support the fifth National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence on 20 March by registering your year 4, 5 and 6 classes for an online presentation to teach them more about communicating online (published DET School update, 17/02/2015)
Tweet of the week: Teachers – take a free tour of @ACMI & learn about workshops, film lectures, talks & exhibitions at a teacher preview http://bit.ly/1AsIXvw @DETVic (published DET School update, 17/02/2015)
Bully Stoppers. Being Cool Online (published DET School update, 17/02/2015)
Live Blog Tackles Cyberbullying – As part of Safer Internet Day, Bully Stoppers expert and clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller answered questions from Victorian school students and parents on an online blog on the Herald Sun’s website (published 11/02/2015)
SO29 – 2015 Code Club for Primary Schools – Principals are encouraged to consider this opportunity and circulate the information regarding Code Club to staff. Schools are encouraged to register their school for a Code Club through the website http://www.codeclubau.org/contact-us/ (published DET School update, 10/02/2015)
Safer Internet Day Web Conference – The department’s Digital Learning team presented a web conference this morning as part of Safer Internet Day, where children and young people are encouraged to be safer and more responsible when using technology and mobile phones. http://www.codeclubau.org/contact-us/ (published DET School update, 10/02/2015)
Department Helping Kids to be Safer Online: The Department is running a range of activities to celebrate Safer Internet Day next Tuesday, including an online cyber safety session via FUSE for students from Year 4 to 6. The Department has also partnered with the Herald Sun to run a live blog where parents and students can chat live with expert Andrew Fuller (published 06/02/2015)
S025-2015 Bully Stoppers: Being Cool Online – Find out how your school can get involved in the Bully Stoppers: Being Cool Online activities coming up from 10 February, including an online quiz and live blog with clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller.
VCE Drama Teacher is Connecting Students Across the State: Head of performing arts at Phoenix P-12 Community College, Deanne Joosten taught VCE drama to students from four rural schools located across a distance of almost 700 kilometres, using video conferencing. (DEECD Mail, 9th Dec 2014)
S450-2014: New critical and creative thinking assessment tool: an online tool has been developed in partnership with the VCAA to help teachers map students achievement and progress learning in critical and creative thinking. Online sessions are available in 2015 to help teachers become familiar with the tool. (DEECD Mail, 9th Dec 2014)
S426-2014 Bully Documentary – Free Teacher Resource: A free iBook is available to support schools to use the documentary Bully with students in Years 10-12. It focuses on the impact that bullying has on individuals and communities, and strategies for preventing and dealing with bullying behaviour. (Tues, 25th Nov, 2014)
Teenagers are increasingly being influenced by gambling through sport, social media, online games and advertising. Understanding what this means for them, and combatting the impact, begins with education. The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation is running a school program called ‘Gambling’s Not a Game’. Schools can access resources online or organise a free presentation. (DEECD School Update 18 Nov 2014)
Sister Schools Create Unique Link – Students from Canadian Lead Primary School in Ballarat and Yuxiang Primary School in China have collaborated on a unique visual project that has the potential to lead to more cross-cultural activities. (DEECD Mail, 14 Nov, 2014)
Lighting up Learning with Technology – When Secretary Richard Bolt and Deputy Secretary Nick Pole visited Woolsthorpe Primary School earlier this month, they found out how the school’s Discovery Learning process has been successfully working in practice during a meeting with one of the students. Read more…
S349-2014 Bully Stoppers – Speak Up against Cyberbullying – The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that all school communities are inclusive, supportive and harmonious, and that Victoria’s multicultural diversity is valued. In support of this aim, the Bully Stoppers anti-bullying campaign has moved into its next phase with Bully Stoppers:Speak Up Against Cyberbullying. Access webinars, seminars and other professional learning opportunities as part of Connected Educator Month in October. Launched in the US, the event will extend to Australia and NZ this year. Register online
Two free online short courses will be available in October for schools interested in learning how to use iPads more effectively in the classroom.
S224-2014 Core Admin and Curriculum ICT Equipment in Schools This is a reminder that core information and communications technology (ICT) equipment must be left powered on at all times of the day and night, including weekends, and during school and public holidays.
S231-2014 Polycom Video Conferencing Introductory Workshop – Term 3 Schools with a Polycom videoconferencing unit are invited to attend a one-hour workshop to learn the basics of how to use the Polycom unit.
Ongoing support and evaluation of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation eSmart Program: The Alannah and Madeline Foundation is offering additional support for all Victorian schools to continue their eSmart journey and become an eSmart school. As part of this process the Foundation is seeking participants for an independent evaluation of the eSmart Framework.
S192-2014 ICT Leasing Facilities for schools: Equigroup has been contracted by the Department as the preferred provider of ICT leasing facilities for schools. S161-2014 Bully Stoppers online evaluationThe Department is evaluating the impact that the Bully Stoppers initiative has had on the attitudes and behaviour of whole school communities. Principals, school leaders, teachers, parents and students are encouraged to participate by completing a short online survey.
S116-2014 Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games – related programs for schools: Commonwealth Class and Inspire > Aspire are programs which provide an opportunity for schools, teachers and students to engage with the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and address civics and citizenship. Schools are invited to participate in either or both programs. S078-2014 Celebrate science during Education Week, 18-24 May 2014 Education Week will be held from 18 − 24 May 2014 in Victoria. Schools and early childhood services are encouraged to engage their students, staff and parent communities in this year’s science education and careers theme. S051-2014 New eduSTAR software available to schools The eduSTAR software image provides teachers and students with access to over 80 educational software titles for Windows and Apple devices. An improved eduSTAR software image is now available to schools.
December 2013
S504-2013 New sexting resource ‘So you got naked online’ a resource that offers children, young people and parents advice and provides strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents. Go to webpage.
November 2013
October 2013
S382-2013 Moving Forward – Sustaining 1-to-1 Implementation for Your School The Learning and Teaching Division will be running a metropolitan forum to assist school leaders with planning and decision-making around ICT and 1-to-1 sustainability on Thursday 17 October. August 2013 S320-2013 Moving Forward – Sustaining 1-to-1 Implementation in Your School Four regional forums will be held to assist school leaders with planning and decision-making around ICT and 1-to-1 sustainability. S321-2013 ICT Network Equipment – Discount Purchase Opportunity Cisco has advised that from 5 August to 6 September 2013 schools are able to receive discounted pricing under the Department contract with IBM Australia (authorised supplier for Cisco) for supply of Cisco networking products. S319-2013 Bastow Twilight Sessions and Professional Practice Series Workshops For further information on Twilight sessions and the Professional Practice Series, please visit the Bastow website S318-2013 Bastow Leadership Courses A number of Bastow courses commencing in Term 3 and 4 are now open. All teachers and members of the principal class are encouraged to apply now as applications are closing soon. S315-2013 Victorian Virtual Learning Network – VCE Online Information Forum for 2014 Enrolments An information forum for principals and VCE coordinators will be held on Friday 6 September 2013. July 2013 S276-2013 Bastow Twilight Sessions and Professional Practice Series Workshops The Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership is partnering with leading academics, innovative thinkers and expert practitioners to provide a range of educational leadership development courses and events. June 2013 C179-2013 DEECD and NEC sign agreement to facilitate continued provision of the Ultranet From 1 January 2014, NEC will assume full responsibility for provision of the Ultranet and schools that wish to use the service will do so on an individual user-pays system. S241-2013 ATO Tax Changes for CASES21 for the 2013-2014 Financial Year – CASES21 v53.2 patch The CASES21 v53.2 patch shall be implemented by the Department and will occur automatically after schools perform the end-of-financial-year rollover. S242-2013 Core Admin and Curriculum ICT Equipment in Schools Core information and communications technology (ICT) equipment must be left powered on at all times of the day and night, including weekends, and school and public holidays. March 2013 S-096-2013 Microsoft Licensing Agreement 2013-17 A major feature of the new Microsoft Licensing Agreement is support for student owned computers. This is important information for schools using BYOD. S086-2013 eSmart Cybersafety and Cyberbullying Initiative The Victorian Government has provided funding of $10.5 million for all Victorian government schools and 300 selected Catholic and independent schools to implement eSmart