WHAT IS THE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES CURRICLIUM? The Digital Technologies curriculum is part of the new Victorian Curriculum. The Foundation to Level 10 curriculum provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards. All government and Catholic schools are required to implement and report on the Digital Technologies curriculum from 2017. The new curriculum area should not be confused with integrating the use of ICT across all curriculum areas. ICT across the curriculum is about students developing digital skills and knowledge to investigate, create and collaborate across all curriculum areas. They also learn safe and responsible use in managing and operating ICT. Find out more about the difference between Digital Technologies and ICT. Digital Technologies is a specific curriculum that focuses on students thought processes in order to unravel problems, and then design and generate digital solutions. Students will learn how computers work and how to create digital solutions for real-world problems and challenges with computational thinking, which uses systematic solutions to solve problems, part of this is developing a working knowledge of coding. The Victorian Curriculum F-10 has been designed to provide practical opportunities for students to explore the capacity of information systems to systematically and innovatively transform data into digital solutions, through the application of:
CURRICULUM RESOURCES VCAA Curriculum area advice – planning documents, assessment and reporting advice. Digital Technologies DigiPub – Where to start, case studies, teaching resources, assessment. Digital Technologies Hub – step by step advice and resources for teachers, school leaders, families and students. Making DigiPub – creating a maker space, case studies and resources for inspiration. FUSE – resources linked to Victorian Curriculum content descriptions. Digital Technologies Glossary– find a comprehensive glossary of important terms. |