This article first appeared in DET News Bulletin: 24 March 2016
In rural South-west Victoria, Year 5 students from Woolsthorpe Primary School saw an opportunity to connect with their future careers during the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire at Knox Innovation, Opportunity and Sustainability Centre (KIOSC).
A maker faire is a technology and innovation showcase, designed to feature those on the forefront of exploring new technologies in education.
Demand for technology-related skills is increasing rapidly in Victoria and events like these are integral to connecting students with the jobs of the future and exposing them to new hobbies and passions.
Principal Simon Perry and his school have been participants in the global partnership, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, which has prepared these students to design and prepare their own technology workshop at the Maker Faire.
‘Our students were exposed to all manner of digital technologies, from robots and drones to coding during classes,’ said Simon.
‘This exposure drove our students’ learning — it drove their questions and their inspiration.’
Woolsthorpe students showcased their new skills and investigations into coding, robotics and other digital technology at the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire to crowds of hundreds of other students and adults.
‘The Maker Faire was a great way to engage our students and offered us the impetus to delve deeper with our making and to tie these skills and creations in to our learning process in the classroom,’ said Simon.
The presentation from Woolsthorpe primary school stood alongside the creations of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists and other students.
‘Designing and presenting a workshop for other students and adults was an astounding opportunity for our school and has given us connections with schools and opportunities all across Victoria,’ Simon said.
For more information about exploring digital learning in the curriculum and making, see: