Register NOW for Code Club professional learning – 24th July

Code Club Australia is the network of volunteers and educators getting kids coding! Through a grant from the Telstra Foundation, Code Club is offering FREE professional development to primary school teachers from government, catholic and private schools, keen on getting their students involved in Code Club. The workshop will focus on Scratch, available on all Victorian Government school computers as part of the EduSTAR image. Participants will learn the fundamentals of Scratch and develop an understanding of how to lead a school based code club.

Places are being offered on a first come, first served basis for first workshop offer on Friday 24th July. Be quick! The first teacher to register per school honoured, others are waitlisted.

All teachers required to provide a letter of nomination from their principal to attend.

All teachers must appoint an alternate delegate to attend in the case of unexpected absence. Further workshops will be offered if there is a strong interest in Victoria so please make sure you register for the waiting list if the initial places are full.



1) Register NOW at

2) Nominate an alternate should your circumstances change (please name them in your principal’s letter)

3) Obtain a letter of nomination from your principal naming you as the attendee**



What will be covered on the day?

9:30 Morning tea and arrival, introductions

10:00 Demystifying Coding in the Classroom

10:30 Scratch: Getting Started with Code Club curriculum

11:30 Teaching vs Facilitating Collaborative Learning: what makes Code Club different

12:00-1:00 Break for lunch (on your own, lunch is not catered at this event)

1:10 Scratch II: Bringing Scratch into the classroom today

1:45 Code Club advocacy and TeachMeet

2:00 Code Club project II: Exploring Scratch with Peers

3:00 Register for materials and final questions


Want to learn more? Check out: Code Club Australia. Check out the active network of Code Clubs in Australia!

For more information contact Kelly Tagalan, Nation Programme Manager, m: +61 (0)458544825.

** Principal nomination letter shall include the following: School letterhead complete with postal address, your name as nominated teacher attending, and name of elected alternate should you become unavailable.


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