Wolfram Professional Learning

We have a sessions to suit everyone:
1. Face-to-face sessions with Craig Bauling in March
2. Virtual Programme with John Monash Science School starting next week.

Face-to-face Wolfram Hands-On Start Mentor Training

Victorian teachers are invited to exclusive professional development seminars delivered by Wolfram educators to support the use of these tools in the classroom. Numbers for each session are limited so get in early.

This hands-on course will provide teachers who are new to the Wolfram Language the basics for using the Wolfram tool suite within their classrooms. At the completion of this seminar attendees will be recognised as skilled Wolfram technology users. This training is suitable for teachers in all STEM areas.

  • Wednesday 1 March – John Monash Science School, Clayton
  • Thursday 2 March – Kensington Town Hall
  • Friday 3 March –  La Trobe University, Bendigo

Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Training Program

Series 1 – Mathematica Skills PD These sessions will give participants the skills required to tackle all required Mathematics for VCE Mathematical Methods Units 1-4. You will be shown how to use the software to answer exam-style questions, how to introduce Mathematica to beginning students, and how to create worksheets in Mathematica for your students to use.
Free for Victorian Government teachers and $280 for Non-Governmnet teachers.
This course will be repeated in Term 2.

Term 1 – Tuesdays & Thursdays over 4 weeks Start Time – 3:40pm – 4:40pm Mode – Online

Term 2 – Every Thursday over 7 weeks Repeat session in Term 2 beginning on Thursday 20th April (Technical Orientation) with the first PD Session on Basics commencing on Thursday 27th of April, concluding on Thursday 1st of June. These will be 1 hour sessions each week commencing at 3:40pm.


Series 2 – Wolfram Mathematica PD Pedagogy

This set of four lessons are designed to demonstrate how CAS (Mathematica) can be used to introduce and explore complex mathematical ideas. Activities will be designed in such a way that will encourage student-centred learning. Sample activities and corresponding Mathematica files will be demonstrated. Participants will write and share their own resources as part the course.

Term 2 – Every second Tuesday over 7 weeks Start Time – 3:40pm – 4:40pm

Mode – Online


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Author: rcrellin

Senior Program Officer, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

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