August 29, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Digital Technologies implementation made easy…

Digital Technologies is a new subject and includes some material that may be unfamiliar to teachers. To support the implementation of the Digital Technologies curriculum, Education Services Australia and Australian Government Department of Education and Training have launched the NEW Digital Technologies Hub . Here you will find curriculum resources, links to professional learning, challenges and competitions, step-by-step learning sequences, fun activities for students, advice for parents, resources linked to the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies, stories of change, activities for families, and a calendar of events.


Resources on the hub have been conveniently categorised for Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, School Leaders, Students, and Families. Resources can be filtered by type, category,  level, audience, band, and plugged/unplugged.

To visit the Hub, go to


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August 25, 2016
by Jillian Brown

STEAM & Sustainability: A day of professional learning for primary teachers

STEAMSustainabilityDesign and Technology Teachers Association Victoria DATTA (Vic) in conjunction with Environmental Education Victoria and the National Gallery of Victoria are running a fun-filled day of professional learning for primary teachers

Date: Tuesday 6 September

Venue: National Gallery of Victoria

Time: 10.00 am – 3.30 pm

Cost: $190 for members of DATTA Vic/EEV (includes lunch); $230 for non-members of DATTA Vic/EEV (Includes lunch)

  • Learn how to address sustainability successfully across the curriculum
  • Explore Design & Technology as a great vehicle for teaching STEAM ( Science – Technology – Engineering – Art – Mathematics) & sustainability
  • Get an overview of the new F-10 Design and Technology Victorian curriculum, with practical ideas for implementation
  • Discover sustainable design in the NGV’s collections
  • Take part in a Trash Puppets [link to ] workshop and take away a wealth of ideas for fun, hands-on classroom projects about upcycling, focusing on STEAM & Sustainability

For more information, contact Laura Murphy  from DATTA Vic

Register here








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August 22, 2016
by Jillian Brown

‘Most Likely to Succeed’ – September Regional film screenings


DET Learning and Teaching Branch is presenting a series of free screenings of the feature length edu-documentary Most Likely to Succeed at regional locations in September.

Following the film there will be a panel discussion featuring school principals, education system leaders, students and industry leaders.

This inspirational film explores the possibilities of education when we provide opportunities for students to have strong agency over their learning.

Most Likely to Succeed looks at how one school has adopted a fresh approach to educating their students with great results. It also delves into the possibilities of how learning environments, building on passion and expertise, giving students a voice, and leveraging partnerships with parents and school community, can have a positive impact on student learning.

This award winning film reaffirms some of the great things we are doing in schools, and raises questions about what else can be done to provide our students with the best education.

When: Tuesday 6th September, 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Brauer College Performing Arts Centre 37 Caramut Road, Warrnambool

When Wednesday 7th September, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Where: Wimmera Trade Training Centre, 300 Baillie St, Horsham VIC

: Thursday 8th September, 4:00pm – 6:15pm
Where: Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE, 152-200 Fryers Street, Shepparton VIC

Please note: This film contains one word of profanity, so it not suitable for primary school aged children.


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August 22, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Young Minds of the Future


Friday 9th September at Canterbury Primary School

Canterbury PS, Ringwood North PS, and Chatham PS are pleased to announce the Young Minds of the Future event to be held at Canterbury PS on Friday 9th September.

Session 1 – 10.30 – 11.30am

Session 2 – 12.15 – 1.15pm


Students and Teachers from schools across Victoria are encouraged to attend this day which brings together years 5 & 6 students from Canterbury, Chatham, and Ringwood North Primary Schools for a unique opportunity to collaborate, create and connect and to showcase their interactive exhibitions, the result of their 9 week project. Project themes include Melbourne, Travel, Gaming and Tech, Transport, Gadgets, Health, Sustainability and many more. 

On the day, you will see projects such as a surfboard with a motor that ensures a surfer doesn’t get sore arms, a model of the MCG with umpires that wear jetpacks, and even a candle that has different scents suitable to different rooms and preferences! 

For further information and to register your interest, please contact

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August 18, 2016
by Jillian Brown

‘Little Lunch’ Webinar for Primary Schools

20 October 2016, 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Author Danny Katz & illustrator Mitch Vane of the Little Lunch BooksMitchVaneDannyKatz

Students and teachers from primary schools across Australia will have a unique opportunity to be part of a live Q&A webinar with both the author and illustrator behind the Little Lunch books that were the inspiration for the popular ABC3 TV series, Little Lunch.

Primary students and teachers will be able to ask Danny Katz and Mitch Vane questions and hear the behind the scenes stories about the Little Lunch books.

This event is open to Years 3-6 primary class groups throughout Australia.

Places will be limited so book in early so you don’t miss out!

Date: 20 October 2016
12pm – 1pm (AEDT)
Cost: FREE

This event will be held online through the free web browser based software Zoom. Before the event, you will receive an email with a link to the meeting. Simply click this link, enter your preferred screen name and you will join us for the presentation. For more information, visit the Zoom website.

Internet ready PC, Mac or iPad.
Option to phone in and listen to audio only is available.
We suggest connecting your PC or laptop to an interactive whiteboard.

How to Register
To book your class group into this webinar, email Sarah Jones at or phone 03 9200 5522.
Please provide school name, teacher details, number and year level of students.


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August 16, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge special PL night

You are invited to attend an evening that will inform, inspire and connect you.


Confirmed speakers:  

  • Trent Ray, Microsoft Teacher Ambassador
  • Sandy Philips, Department of Education and Training
  • Christine Evely, ACMI Education
  • Clara Reeves, Hipster Whale
  • Bec Spink, Code the Future
  • Students from Aitken Creek Primary School

Why: How do you begin planning a prototype? What will make it stand out from the pack? Where can you find a mentor? Hear from industry about recent games and app projects, network and hear about further support channels to give you a head start on the Challenge. Drinks and nibbles provided. Entry is free.

When:  Tuesday 23 August from 5pm – 6:30pm

Where: ACMI X, our new co-working space, Level 4, 2 Kavanagh Street, Southbank (in the Australian Ballet School building) behind the Arts Centre.

There will be a short presentation from the Aitken Primary School students on how they are approaching their Enviroclik App.

Parking: The Australian Ballet Centre Car Park is located at 2 Kavanagh Street, Southbank, directly behind the Arts Centre Melbourne. The Arts Centre Carpark  is located on the corner of Sturt and Kavanagh Streets, Southbank.

Please RSVP to:  



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August 15, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Book Week 20-26 August: Virtual Authors’ Project

Department of Education NEV and NWV Virtual Learning Coaches are hosting three exciting webinars in Book Week (20-26 August) this year. These shortlisted authors will be available across the week for a 45 minute virtual visit to Victorian schools. These webinars are free and recommended for Foundation – Grade 3 students.

Get involved! Register your interest at

3 Sessions across the week:

9:30am, Monday 22nd: Alison Lester

9:30am, Wednesday 24th: Ronojoy Ghosh

11:30am, Friday 11:30am, Tony Wilson



NEVR/SEVR: Jenny Ashby (

NWVR/SWVR: Stephen Elford (


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August 11, 2016
by Jillian Brown

DET ICT Planning Workshops for School Leaders

Term Three Workshops, 2016

Run by the DET Learning and Teaching Branch and the Information Technology Division, these full-day workshops walk school leaders through the process of developing a long-term school ICT Plan that:

  • addresses the learning and teaching goals of the school
  • develops a sustainable ICT plan that meets the needs of the school community
  • ensures a coherent team approach to ICT planning involving school leaders, ICT  co-ordinators, curriculum co-ordinators and technical support staff.

ICT Planning Tool

The basis of the day involves stepping participants through the DET online ICT Planning Tool that allows the school to produce a customised ICT Plan that brings together SIPS data, the school curriculum goals and budgetary considerations.

Principals, Learning Technologies Coordinators and Specialist technicians can access the tool using the link below: (Department credentials required to login)


Who Should Attend?

This is a workshop for school leaders. It may involve ICT or Curriculum co-ordinators or classroom teachers involved in their schools’ ICT planning. It is recommended that you have two to three attendees from your school, and it is highly recommended that one attendee is your Specialist Technician to help with technical details.  Please note that your Specialist Technician may need a visitation schedule alteration and will require to log the hours against your school’s allocation. If there are any queries or concerns regarding this please contact your Service Delivery Manager.

Benefits of attending an ICT Planning Workshop?

View the short video below where school leaders who attended ICT Planning Workshops last year talk about the benefits of the workshop day and the online ICT Planning Tool:

Term three 2016 – ICT Planning Workshops

Flemington: 12th August 2016
Venue: Debney Meadows Primary School, Flemington

Wangaratta: 19th August 2016
Venue: Wangaratta High School, Wangaratta

Blackburn South: 23rd August 2016
Venue: Aurora School, Blackburn South

Moe: 25th August 2016
Venue: Moe Regional Office, Moe

Mildura: 31st August 2016
Venue: Ranfurly Primary School, Mildura

Blackburn South: 2nd September 2016
Venue: Aurora School, Blackburn South

Lakes Entrance: 7th September 2016
Venue: Lakes Entrance Secondary College, Lakes Entrance

Flemington: 9th September 2016
Venue: Debney Meadows Primary School, Flemington

Frankston: 13th September 2016
Venue: Neville Rohan Centre, Mount Erin College, Frankston

Flemington: 14th September 2016
Venue: Debney Meadows Primary School, Flemington


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August 8, 2016
by Jillian Brown

STEM Professional Learning Opportunities

DET Learning and Teaching branch are proud to announce a series of STEM workshops in term 3 with Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager, authors of ‘Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering and Engineering in the Classroom’. Each workshop will run from 9.00am – 3.30pm. These workshops will be free of charge to Victorian Government teachers.

Don’t miss out! Register as soon as possible.

9:00 – 3:30pm, Monday 22nd August: Invent to learn with Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager

Melbourne Museum – 11 Nicholson St , Carlton, Vic 3053


Join colleagues for a day of hard fun and problem solving — where computing meets tinkering and design. The workshop begins with the case for project-based learning, making, tinkering, and engineering. Next, we will discuss strategies for effective prompt setting. You will view examples of children engaged in complex problem solving with new game-changing technologies and identify lessons for your own classroom practice. Powerful ideas, breakthroughs in science education, and the global maker movement combine to create rich learning experiences

Participants will have the chance to tinker with a range of exciting new low- and high-tech construction materials that can really amplify the potential of your students.

You will learn:

  • How new tools and technology can reinvigorate Project-Based Learning
  • Best classroom practices for integrating maker technology
  • How to plan engaging projects based on the TMI design model
  • How to choose the technologies with the maximum learning impact
  • How to make the case for making, tinkering, and engineering
  • How to incorporate found, recycled, and reclaimed materials in project development 

Fabrication with cardboard and found materials, squishy electronic circuits, wearable computing, Arduino micro controllers, Hummingbird robotics, LittleBits, and computer programming are all on the menu.

Bring a laptop and your imagination. We’ll supply the rest (craft materials, art supplies, construction elements). Invention is the mother of learning!

This workshop is suitable for teachers of all year levels and subject areas.


9:00 – 3:30pm, Tuesday 23rd August: Wearables and Soft-Circuits for STEM Education – Supporting Inclusion and Equity with Hands-on Maker Technology with Sylvia Martinez

Scienceworks,  Booker Ave, Spotswood, VicWearable Tech

Are there ways that work to interest more girls in STEM, and keep them interested? How can K-12 schools  and informal learning organizations address a gender disparity problem that impacts not just schools, but colleges, jobs, and every walk of life? This session will explore research, resources, and best practices to involve girls of all ages in STEM. Participants will learn about the potential to bring new tools and technology to learning spaces to support hands-on learning across all grades and curriculum – plus areas that are of particular interest to girls, such as inventions that help people, sewable electronics, e-textiles, bio-materials, citizen science, and community projects. Hands-on projects and tools can engage girls (and all learners) in STEM activities that matter. We will explore how the collaborative, tinkering nature of global revolutions like the maker movement, open source, and project-based learning dovetails with girls ability to work collaboratively and in a connected way.

A way to support learners who are traditionally under-represented in STEM courses is to introduce interesting new technology that supports diverse interests and passions. Wearable technologies do this by combining craft traditions with digital electronics. Sewable, wearable projects invite different students into the maker movement by providing new and multiple onramps for a wider range of students. We will explore new conductive materials, such as thread, fabric, paint, glue, foils, and specialty microcontrollers.

Bring a laptop and your imagination. We’ll supply the rest (craft materials, art supplies, construction elements). Invention is the mother of learning!

This workshop is suitable for teachers of all year levels and subject areas.


9:00 – 3:30pm, Thursday 24th August: Reinventing Maths with Gary Stager

Scienceworks,  Booker Ave, Spotswood, Vic

There may be no greater gap between a discipline and the teaching done in its name than when the beauty, power and mystery of mathematics become math instruction. One can only begin to address the systemic challenges of math education by understanding the nature of mathematics and the power of computing. Nearly 100 years of efforts to increase achievement with unchangedReinventing Maths curricular content continues to fail spectacularly; yet, we do not change course. Surely, the widespread availability of computational technology demands new pedagogical approaches and a new diet of mathematics.

This workshop moves beyond the goal of making math instruction engaging for children by providing educators with authentic mathematical thinking experiences. Such experiences acknowledge the role computers play in mathematics and society’s increasing demand for computational thinking. Project-based approaches with mathematics at the center of the activity will be explored. Traditional concepts such as numeracy, geometry, probability and graphing will be investigated in addition to exciting new branches of mathematics rarely found in math class.

Bring a laptop and your imagination.

This workshop is suitable for Primary Maths teachers and Secondary Maths Teachers up to year 10.

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August 4, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge

The Department of Education, Victoria (DET), Microsoft and ACMI are proud to announce the Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge.small logoPicture2

This exciting challenge provides an opportunity for students in Years 6, 8 and 10 to design, develop and pitch a game or app to Microsoft to solve a problem they believe needs solving.

The challenge brings the new Victorian curriculum to life.  By bringing together Digital Technologies and Critical and Creative Thinking, teachers can empower their students to become discerning and creative problem solvers.

The Challenge asks students to identify a problem, conduct research, analyse data, and use this information to design and code a prototype Game or App that offers a solution.

Entries for the Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge close on Friday 14 October 2016.

For more information and to enter the Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge visit:

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