April 21, 2016
by Jillian Brown

‘Most Likely to Succeed’ – film screenings and panel

MLTS2Join fellow educators and community members in a special screening of the edu-documentary ‘Most Likely to Succeed’, followed by post film discussion, as we consider the question:MLTS quote

How do we best prepare our students for their future?

This inspirational film explores the possibilities of education when we provide opportunities for students to have strong student agency over their learning.

‘Most Likely to Succeed’ looks at how one school has adopted a fresh approach to educating their students with great results.

It explores the possibilities of how learning environments, building on passion and expertise, giving students a voice and leveraging partnerships with parents and school community, can have a positive impact on student learning.

This award winning film reaffirms some of the great things we are doing in our schools, and raises questions about what else can be done to provide our students with the best education.

Please note: This film contains one word of profanity, so it not suitable for primary school aged children.

When Tuesday 10th May, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: Templestowe College, Lower Templestowe
Register   http://www.eventbrite.com/e/most-likely-to-succeed-film-screening-templestowe-tickets-24586005404?aff=affiliate1

: Monday 16th May, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: Ulumbarra Theatre, Bendigo
Bookings can made via Capital Box Office on: 5434 6100 or at www.gotix.com.au


When Tuesday 24th May, 4:30pm – 6:45pm
Where: Templestowe College, Lower Templestowe
(facilitated table discussion after the screening)
Register  http://events.myedapp.com/mltstc/

WhenTuesday 7th June, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Bastow, North Melbourne
Register https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/most-likely-to-succeed-film-screening-north-melbourne-bastow-institute-of-educational-leadership-tickets-24643005894

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April 18, 2016
by Jillian Brown

2016 Quantum Victoria PrintACar Challenge

Registrations are now open to ALL Victorian students for the 2016 PrintACar Challenge.  Entries close on Friday 22nd April.printacar

This event is FREE and schools are encouraged to nominate up to TWO teams comprising of four students each.

Schools can book into the ‘Preparing for the PrintACar 3D Printing Challenge Program’ which is full day an onsite program at Quantum Victoria, subject to availability.

Below is the Field guide outlining the guidelines and the criteria in which the teams will be judged on http://www.quantumvictoria.vic.edu.au/Programs/PrintACar/2016/PrintACar2016FieldGuide.pdf

All registered teams will compete on Qualifying day, Thursday 18th August 2016 to earn a place in the PrintACar final to be held at the University of Melbourne during the 3D Printing Showcase in October (date to be confirmed).

Teachers can also register for the ‘STEM in Context through 3D Printing & CAD’ professional learning at Quantum Victoria on Friday 6th May. There is a limited number of fully subsidised places for DET teachers.

Please contact Anna to register your student teams, for the ‘PrintACar Student Program’ or for the professional learning by email admin@quantumvictoria.vic.edu.au or for further enquiries contact by phone: 92231460.




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April 14, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Geelong Gallery ─ a virtual learning event

1.30pm to 3.00 pm, Wednesday 20 April 2016
geelongGalleryAs part of the exhibition ‘Land of the Golden Fleece—Arthur Streeton in the Western District’, Geelong Gallery’s Learn program is offering an exciting opportunity for students to participate in an online live workshop exploring the Australian landscape through the eyes of one Australia’s foremost artists.

Students will experiment with composition, line and colour to create pictorial depth and light in landscape imagery using the techniques of collage.

Limited places are available and priority will be given to schools in remote regions and schools who have students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Landscape workshop – Looking at Light
AusVELS level 8─the Arts
Details of the event:

  • Overview by the Gallery Educator of Land of the Golden Fleece – Arthur Streeton in the Western District exhibitionArthur Streeton_Land of the Golden Fleece_1926_NGA_approved trim_screen res
  • A hands-on collage workshop exploring the Australian landscapeAStreeton

All Schools can apply to participate in this virtual event and can use either MSLYNC (Victorian teachers have this on their laptops for projection during the event) or Polycom (if available).

Dial in number details will be forwarded on confirmation of registration. If you need help with using either MSLYNC or Polycom please contact Gary Schultz, Virtual Learning Project Officer – Teaching and
Learning Branch at schultz.gary.r@edumail.vic.gov.au

Bookings essential please contact:
Elishia Furet
Educator—Land of the Golden Fleece exhibition
T 03 5229 3645


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April 13, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Encouraging students to explore career pathways in STEM

The Department of Education and Training (the Department) is partnering with key educational organisations to offer a one-day ‘STEM education and Careers’ professional learning opportunity, designed for careers practitioners and teachers of STEM disciplines. This workshop will support schools to give students the education that industries will need, and the skills that employers will expect them to have. stem2

Participants will:

  • learn about how the Department is supporting STEM education and careers education
  • learn about programs that may assist in the delivery of STEM related subjects and careers education
  • use collaboration tools to explore, share and plan for school-wide programs in STEM and careers education
  • provide feedback for future STEM and careers education online support for schools.

Ideally, two participants (a career practitioner and teacher of STEM discipline) per school will participate and plan for enriched student learning programs.


The STEM education and Careers workshop will be held 9:00am – 3:00pm, Friday 22 April 2016 at Monash Conference Centre, Level 7, 30 Collins Street, Melbourne.



To register – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/stem-education-and-careers-workshop-tickets-24273805606

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April 11, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Making Futures at the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire

This article first appeared in DET News Bulletin: 24 March 2016

In rural South-west Victoria, Year 5 students from Woolsthorpe Primary School saw an opportunity to connect with their future careers during the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire at Knox Innovation, Opportunity and Sustainability Centre (KIOSC).makingfutures

A maker faire is a technology and innovation showcase, designed to feature those on the forefront of exploring new technologies in education.

Demand for technology-related skills is increasing rapidly in Victoria and events like these are integral to connecting students with the jobs of the future and exposing them to new hobbies and passions.

Principal Simon Perry and his school have been participants in the global partnership, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, which has prepared these students to design and prepare their own technology workshop at the Maker Faire.

‘Our students were exposed to all manner of digital technologies, from robots and drones to coding during classes,’ said Simon.

‘This exposure drove our students’ learning — it drove their questions and their inspiration.’

Woolsthorpe students showcased their new skills and investigations into coding, robotics and other digital technology at the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire to crowds of hundreds of other students and adults.

‘The Maker Faire was a great way to engage our students and offered us the impetus to delve deeper with our making and to tie these skills and creations in to our learning process in the classroom,’ said Simon.

The presentation from Woolsthorpe primary school stood alongside the creations of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists and other students.

‘Designing and presenting a workshop for other students and adults was an astounding opportunity for our school and has given us connections with schools and opportunities all across Victoria,’ Simon said.

For more information about exploring digital learning in the curriculum and making, see:

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April 11, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Virtual Conferencing Professional Learning Sessions

Virtual conferencing opens doors to new learning and teaching opportunities beyond the classroom. Victorian students and teachers have access to a flexible suite of virtual learning tools enabling them to connect, interact, share and learn with others outside of their classroom and school.adobeconnect

polycomThis term we are offering FREE online training sessions on the virtual conferencing tools Adobe Connect and Polycom. Register NOW to avoid disappointment.

Introduction to Adobe Connect professional learning sessions:

  • Thursday 28 April 2016 at 3.45pm to 5.00pm
  • Wednesday 11 May 2016 at 3.45pm to 5.00pm
  • Tuesday 24 May 2016 at 3.45pm to 5.00pm
  • Click here to register

Introduction to Polycom professional learning sessions:

To find out more contact Gary Schultz, Virtual Learning Project Officer, at schultz.gary.r@edumail.vic.gov.au


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March 22, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Breaking Barriers Webinar: Encouraging Young Women into STEM Careers

The Australian National Committee for UN Women and Avanade have partnered to create the Breaking Barriers Webinar, which aims to encourage young women, in late high school or university, to pursue careers in STEM fields.STEM

The Breaking Barriers Webinar will provide information on STEM pathways, share evidence about women’s representation in non-traditional careers, and explain how exclusion from diverse career opportunities can contribute to the pay gap experienced by many working women.

There are many exciting ways in which schools can get involved, including:

    • encouraging female students to register for the webinar
    • notifying parents about the webinar (note: the webinar is scheduled for Term break)


The Breaking Barriers Webinar will be held 10:00-11:30am, Tuesday 5 April 2016.



To learn more and to register, visit https://unwomen.org.au/take-action/events/breaking-barriers/



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March 21, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Don’t miss ‘Little Lunch’ Cast Q & A, this Wednesday 23rd March

Don’t miss this FREE webinar opportunity

This Wednesday, 23rd March from 12.00pm – 1.00pm (AEDT)

Register NOW!!!

littlelunchtrailerLittle Lunch is a comedy series where every episode takes place during that highly anticipated school day break – morning snack time! It is centred around that 15 minutes when teachers are not close by, it’s just you and your friends, and school yard politics, rumours, competitions, mysteries, and fun. It’s all too short, but tomorrow there is always another ‘Little Lunch’ and another story to be re-told.

This Wednesday, 23rd March, students from primary schools across Australia will have a unique opportunity to be part of a live Q&A webinar with cast members of the popular ABC3 TV series, Little Lunch.

Primary students will be able to ask questions to the cast members and hear about the behind the scenes stories. This event is open to Years 3-6 primary class groups from throughout Australia.

Places will be limited in the webinar, so check the details below to register. The webinar is presented by the Australian Children’s Television Foundation.

Little Lunch Cast Webinar Details

Date: Wednesday, 23rd March

Time: 12.00pm – 1.00pm (AEDT)

Year Levels: Years 3-6

Cost: Free

Registration Link: http://actf.com.au/education-calendar/event/little-lunch-webinar

Further Details: sarah.jones@actf.com.au



Tap into more great Little Lunch resources

Australian Children’s Television Foundation have now released a number of resources to support the use of Little Lunch as a teaching resource.


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March 17, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Don’t miss our Mini Maker Faire – Friday 18th March and Saturday 19th March!

Melbourne Mini Maker Faire: 2 days of Making, creating, inventing and fun @KIOSC, 369 Stud Rd Wantirna

  • Friday 18th March 2016 10.00am -2.00pm : Mini Maker Education Day.
    Register NOW!
  • Saturday 19th March 10.00am – 4.30pm: Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @KIOSC (Community Event). Register NOW

Maker1 Maker2

The Mini Maker Education Day @KIOSC  is an exciting day for students, and provides an opportunity to explore a number of ‘Making’ activities in workshops run by fellow students, teachers and community members. Students will have the opportunity to show what they have made, share what they have learned and learn new skills.

Register for the Mini Maker Education Day @ KIOSC now!

Education Day Student Led Workshops to look out for…

Brauer13D Moat Boat Paddle Battle with Brauer College students: Brauer College students have been holding a Moat Boat
Paddle Battle at their school. They have created ‘Moat Boats’ and printed them using a 3D printer. Moat Boats are powered only by rubber bands. Students have created racing channels and are bringing a selection of student made Moat Boats with them to the Melbourne Maker Faire. Let the challenge begin!

Create a piece of origami art with the students from Ringwood Secondary College



dRONESDrones and ‘Bots- Woolsthorpe Primary School Students will share their current learnings around ‘coding and design’. Workshop participants will learn how to think critically and creatively by programming mini flying drones and dash and dot bots.


Join Woodford Primary School students as they explore the fun of using Makey Makey with everyday household objects that will take control of your computer to do cool things like play games and make music .


Education Day Expert Workshops to look out for…

HEPPELHear Internationally renowned Educator Stephen Heppell  make the case for Making in Schools and Communities. In his second presentation Stephen will explore what is needed to set up a Maker Space.

TinkerPlay3D Printing Workshop using Tinker Play and Tinker Cad. Make your own robot action figure or anything you can imagine with TinkerCAD Learn about 3d modeling and design basics in TinkerCad, make your own Key ring and get it printed it out


scienceworksPop-up Museum presented by Museum Victoria & Scienceworks. Join Scienceworks educators to create an invention that meets a simple design brief. You could build the world’s coolest roller coaster, or design a fantastic flying machine and test it out in our wind tunnels. Bring out your inner engineer in preparation for Test Lab, an exciting pop-up maker space coming to Scienceworks June 2016.

Cardboard Construction with Makedo. Makedo is a simple to use, open-ended system of tools for creative cardboard construction. Build imaginative and useful creations from upcycled (repurposed) everyday makedocardboard. Makedo was invented and designed by Paul Justin (PJ), an industrial designer based in Melbourne, Australia. It is the tale of a designer working from home and being endlessly interrupted by a four year old requesting ‘props’ for his imaginative play. A shield here, a helmet there, possibly a turreted castle… with working drawbridge. Then the following day it would be a space suit, laser cannon, rocket and geodesic space station. How was PJ to get anything done when he was so busy designing and making and playing with his kids? Lightbulb moment and Makedo was born.



The Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @KIOSC: This event is open to the community. The Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made, to share what they have learned and learn new skills. Students will also have the opportunity to exhibit at the Maker Faire.

The Mini Maker Faire is of interest to primary, secondary and tertiary education students and teachers as well as a wide range of employers, manufacturers and community members. It promotes the importance of active hands-on learning across all ages.

Making is a global movement for all ages and backgrounds and skill levels that supports STEM and engages participants in complex problem solving, tinkering and inventing using new and old technologies.

The Maker events will be held at KIOSC is a purpose-built high‑tech education and vocational training facility in Wantirna.

Register for the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @ KIOSC now!

For more information, please visit http://www.melbournemakers.com/

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March 17, 2016
by Jillian Brown

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

The sixth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is being held on Friday, 18 March 2016.

DET and the eSafety Commission are holding a webinar supporting respectful and safe communicating online tomorrow at 10:00am See Details 

Any schools experiencing difficulties registering please contact phillips.sandra.l@edumail.vic.gov.au to receive a link to the event.

This annual day is Australia’s key anti-bullying event for schools, and encourages all students to ‘take a stand together’ against bullying and violence in schools, the classroom and beyond.

Use the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence to share your school’s anti-bullying policies, strategies and programs with your school community.

Help deliver a powerful message that bullying and violence is never okay.

Complete your school’s online registration form and start planning for the day. Full details http://www.bullyingnoway.gov.au/national-day/

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