Melbourne Mini Maker Faire: 2 days of Making, creating, inventing and fun @KIOSC, 369 Stud Rd Wantirna
- Friday 18th March 2016 10.00am -2.00pm : Mini Maker Education Day.
Register NOW!
- Saturday 19th March 10.00am – 4.30pm: Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @KIOSC (Community Event). Register NOW

The Mini Maker Education Day @KIOSC is an exciting day for students, and provides an opportunity to explore a number of ‘Making’ activities in workshops run by fellow students, teachers and community members. Students will have the opportunity to show what they have made, share what they have learned and learn new skills.
Register for the Mini Maker Education Day @ KIOSC now!
Education Day Student Led Workshops to look out for…
3D Moat Boat Paddle Battle with Brauer College students: Brauer College students have been holding a Moat Boat
Paddle Battle at their school. They have created ‘Moat Boats’ and printed them using a 3D printer. Moat Boats are powered only by rubber bands. Students have created racing channels and are bringing a selection of student made Moat Boats with them to the Melbourne Maker Faire. Let the challenge begin!

Create a piece of origami art with the students from Ringwood Secondary College
Drones and ‘Bots- Woolsthorpe Primary School Students will share their current learnings around ‘coding and design’. Workshop participants will learn how to think critically and creatively by programming mini flying drones and dash and dot bots.

Join Woodford Primary School students as they explore the fun of using Makey Makey with everyday household objects that will take control of your computer to do cool things like play games and make music .
Education Day Expert Workshops to look out for…
Hear Internationally renowned Educator Stephen Heppell make the case for Making in Schools and Communities. In his second presentation Stephen will explore what is needed to set up a Maker Space.
3D Printing Workshop using Tinker Play and Tinker Cad. Make your own robot action figure or anything you can imagine with TinkerCAD Learn about 3d modeling and design basics in TinkerCad, make your own Key ring and get it printed it out
Pop-up Museum presented by Museum Victoria & Scienceworks. Join Scienceworks educators to create an invention that meets a simple design brief. You could build the world’s coolest roller coaster, or design a fantastic flying machine and test it out in our wind tunnels. Bring out your inner engineer in preparation for Test Lab, an exciting pop-up maker space coming to Scienceworks June 2016.
Cardboard Construction with Makedo. Makedo is a simple to use, open-ended system of tools for creative cardboard construction. Build imaginative and useful creations from upcycled (repurposed) everyday
cardboard. Makedo was invented and designed by Paul Justin (PJ), an industrial designer based in Melbourne, Australia. It is the tale of a designer working from home and being endlessly interrupted by a four year old requesting ‘props’ for his imaginative play. A shield here, a helmet there, possibly a turreted castle… with working drawbridge. Then the following day it would be a space suit, laser cannon, rocket and geodesic space station. How was PJ to get anything done when he was so busy designing and making and playing with his kids? Lightbulb moment and Makedo was born.
The Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @KIOSC: This event is open to the community. The Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made, to share what they have learned and learn new skills. Students will also have the opportunity to exhibit at the Maker Faire.
The Mini Maker Faire is of interest to primary, secondary and tertiary education students and teachers as well as a wide range of employers, manufacturers and community members. It promotes the importance of active hands-on learning across all ages.
Making is a global movement for all ages and backgrounds and skill levels that supports STEM and engages participants in complex problem solving, tinkering and inventing using new and old technologies.
The Maker events will be held at KIOSC is a purpose-built high‑tech education and vocational training facility in Wantirna.
Register for the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @ KIOSC now!
For more information, please visit