March 17, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Capturing the Cosmos – FREE webinar, next Monday 21st March

Capturing the Cosmos is a new planetarium show produced by CAASTRO. It explores the exciting work of Australian astronomers and astrophysicists. To celebrate the release of Capturing the Cosmos a free webinar is being offered, where students will have the unique opportunity to ask questions directly to astronomers and astrophysicists about their fascinating work and curly questions about the Big Bang, dark matter, expansion of the universe and anything else to do with space.

Event Details:

Date: Monday 21st March, 2016

Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm

Where: Online (delivered via YouTube on Air)

Year levels: 9-11

Cost: free

Bookings:  email with student numbers and year levels


Image: A Grazing Encounter Between Two Spiral Galaxies, NASA, Taken on November 4, 1999 ,




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March 15, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Don’t miss: Webinar for National Day of Action Against Bullying – Friday 18th March

We have organised another Webinar with the eSafety Commission on the 18th March 2016 for The  National Day of Action Against Bullying

The session will run from 10.00am – 10.40am. Please note, the room will open at 8:00am to allow teachers to set up and test equipment. The message you get back will describe the session as starting at 8:00 am.

The session is about Communicating Online.

The presentation will assist students to:

  • understand why online messages can be easily misunderstood
  • recognise that messages can be hurtful even when this may not be the intent
  • understand that non-verbal behaviours help us receive messages more than volume, pitch or words
  • consider when teasing crosses the line and becomes harmful and hurtful
  • identify appropriate responses to someone communicating inappropriately.

There will be a strong message of the role of a bystander across the session to support the ideas of The  National Day of Action Against Bullying

Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students

Register your class here

For more information:


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March 3, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Global Lyncs 2016!

Interested in building Global Citizenship Skills in an authentic way through telecommunications? The Global LYNCS Project is seeking new Victorian schools in 2016 to engage with partner schools in Korea.

The Global Lyncs (Linking Youth through NET Communications)  project explores the potential of free technologies supporting communications between schools in Victoria & Daegu, South Korea. It explores:  globallyncs2016Teachers working with teachers

  • Base language for the exchanges is English (but we hope you will learn some Korean too!)
  • Shared support with resources and technology
  • Bi-lingual project blogs & Newsletters (Korean & English)
  • Cross curricular content focus
  • Regular engaging telecommunications between classrooms
  • Building strong, sustainable partnerships.

Global LYNCs provides authentic learning opportunities for schools and promotes global citizenship through engaging students in multicultural curriculum based activities. Students are provided with opportunities to gain a sense of Australia’s and Korea’s role in the global community.

If your school is interested in more information or joining please contact Jo Tate

For more information, visit

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February 29, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Cyberbullying Webinar: Tuesday 1st March

Following positive feedback from Safer Internet Day, we are hosting 2 more webinars presented by the eSafety Commission this term.

All teachers and Students are welcome.

Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students.
Tuesday 1st March,  2:00pm – 2:40pm  (room opens at 12:30 for setup)
Register here

The presentation will assist students to:

  • identify ways to manage and prevent cyberbullying behaviour
  • seek support if they are experiencing cyberbullying
  • be ‘good’ bystanders if they witness cyberbullying
  • recognise bullying online
  • deal with cyberbullying behaviour.

With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature interactive questions and answers.

A heads up about !!!
Communicating online
Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students.
18th March, 10:00am – 10:45 am
Registration link to follow. (It will be shared when the room is available )

The presentation will assist students to:

  • understand why online messages can be easily misunderstood
  • recognise that messages can be hurtful even when this may not be the intent
  • understand that non-verbal behaviours help us receive messages more than volume, pitch or words
  • consider when teasing crosses the line and becomes harmful and hurtful
  • identify appropriate responses to someone communicating inappropriately.
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February 25, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Computer Science First


If you are seeking activities for students to engage in coding this year, CS First is a free program from Google to help you do this.

Empowering students to create with technology through free computer science clubs

CS First provides free, easy-to-use computer science (CS) enrichment materials that target and engage a diverse student population.

Program Overview

CS First is a free program that increases student access and exposure to computer science (CS) education through after-school, in-school, and summer programs. All clubs are run by teachers and/or community volunteers.

Theme-Based Clubs

Each CS First club is based on a real-world theme and offers about 10 hours worth of lessons and activities. The different club themes aim to attract and engage students of varying backgrounds and interests. All materials are targeted at students in 4th – 8th grades (or between the ages of 9 – 14) and are free and easy to use.

CS First materials:

All Training and Materials Provided — No Experience Needed

No computer science experience is necessary to host or volunteer. CS First provides all the training and materials you need to successfully run and lead a CS First club. All training and materials are free and available online.

  • are completely free and available online
  • are targeted at students in grades 4th-8th (ages 9-14)
  • can be tailored to fit your schedule and needs
  • involve block-based coding using Scratch and are themed to attract students with varied interests

CS First Goals

  • Increase confidence when using computers
  • Instil courage to try new things
  • Grow perseverance when tackling difficult problems
  • Provide a sense of belonging in technology for under represented students
  • Demonstrate the impact that CS has in careers and communities

Why Computer Science?

Computer science is…A 21st Century Skill

  • a theory and practice that allows you to program a computer to do what you want it to
  • a tool that helps you tell a story or make something happen with technology
  • a discipline that emphasizes persistence in problem solving — a skill that is applicable across disciplines, driving job growth and innovation across all sectors of the workforce
  • a skill that teaches students how to use computers to create, not just consume

Computer science is not…

  • learning how to type
  • learning to use word processing, spreadsheet, or presentation software
  • learning how to build or repair computers
  • playing video games

Ready to find out more or get started?

All the information you need to get started is available here.

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February 23, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Last chance to register for Adobe Software Offer for Victorian Government Schools

The Department of Education & Training has entered into an agreement  with Adobe for Victorian Government Schools to purchase a select range of adobe software. If a school chooses to opt-in to the program then licencing is subscription based, with payments per year for a 3 year term. 

There are two base collections of applications available to participating schools.

You may choose between:

Design and Web K-12 Collection or CCE for Education Desktop Apps Design and Web K-12 Collection CCE for Education Desktop Apps

DETVIC Flyer for Prices on Adobe Products Offer

Please view this embedded document to view prices and details. You can Pop it out to download the the file.


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February 23, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Implementing a 1-to-1 program in your school

Register now for ‘Implementing a 1-to-1 program in your school’, hosted by DET’s Digital Learning Branch.1TO12

Presenter, Bruce Dixon, from ‘Anywhere Anytime Learning Foundation’ (AALF) has 25 years experience in assisting schools to better manage 1-to-1 personal technology deployments.

These practical sessions for School Leaders, Digital Technologies and Curriculum Leaders will provide schools with practical advice to implement an effective 1-to-1 learning environment.

Topics will include:

  • How to plan and develop a successful 1-to-1 culture in your school
  • Explore ways in which 1-to-1 makes it possible to impact the learning opportunities for students
  • Understand the benefits of 1-to-1 and address both strategic issues that are critical to your school’s success
  • Access a suite of resources to support the 1-to-1 program in your school

Important dates

All workshops will run from 9.00am to 4.00pm.

Participants are asked to bring a laptop.

For more information, contact:

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February 22, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Meet Leigh Hobbs

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Leigh Hobbs!

kleigh hobbsABC Splash has partnered with the Centre for Youth Literature at State Library Victoria to livestream an interview with Leigh Hobbs at 2pm on Thursday 25th February, 2016.

Questions are open now for the live chat with Leigh Hobbs. Visit to submit your questions and for more information.

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February 18, 2016
by Jillian Brown

Wolfram Mathematica

Wwolframolfram Mathematica is a premium general purpose mathematical software package with a broad range of algorithmic functionality, including geographical (two and three-dimensions), numerical, symbolic, financial and statistical. The interface and range of applications makes it ideal for use in the Years 7 – 10 Curriculum, as well as in the senior secondary curriculum.

Secondary Schools have access to Wolfram Mathematica through the eduSTAR Software Catalogue:

To access the new password to activate the current licence contact

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