September 17, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

“Screen It” 2015. Entries close this Monday 21 September

Every year, hundreds of students across the nation enter Screen It – The Australian Centre of the Moving Image’s (ACMI’s) screen-it-2015epic moving image competition for Primary and Secondary school students. Screen It is designed to educate, encourage and foster the next generation of young moving image makers. It’s fun and, best of all, it’s free!

Screen It 2015. Entries close this Monday – 5pm (AEST) 21 September.

Email with any queries. Go to for instructions



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September 14, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Atom awards finalists announced

Congratulations to all of the students, and their teachers who have made the finals at this years Atom awards. Some amazing films on a variety of topics. Check them out lend a hand

This film makes a great teaching resource in both its art and form, but also its subject matter.

Titled Bullying – Lend a hand it has been beautifully created by the students at the Sydney Distance Education High School

Bullying – Lend a Hand from The ATOM Awards on Vimeo.

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September 11, 2015
by marcellinus


download (1)This event is a unique opportunity for teachers in Central Victoria to access high quality professional learning through Bastow without having to travel to the city.

About this event

Please note this Workshop runs across two days at two venues:

Day 1: Tuesday 13 October 2015

Venue: All Seasons Bendigo: 171-183 McIvor Road, Bendigo

Day 2: Monday 16 November 2015

Venue: Bendigo Regional Office: 7-15 McLaren Street, Bendigo

Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm

This two-day program will use the proven process of Design Thinking to help you explore, focus, and act on a number of teaching and learning strategies in order to improve the learning outcomes for Primary students.

Developing strong, student-centred learning around inquiry, even at early ages, is a common driver of primary education. Yet designing powerful learning experiences that harness genuine curiosity and work across the curriculum are just some of the challenges in helping young students become critical and creative learners.

Understanding and applying the processes of Design Thinking is a leading strategic and innovative method for Primary educators to embed enquiry learning into their practice. Using leading research and key examples from Australian Primary school settings, participants will:

  • understand and apply Design Thinking for inquiry learning
  • use a range of highly effective thinking skills and tools to refine and inform decision making
  • explore different uses of technology to support inquiry learning
  • develop innovative approaches to curriculum design using leadership skills, research and data.


Hamish Curry is based in the Australian branch of NoTosh, working not just with schools, but bringing a renowned expertise to galleries, museums and cultural institutions across Australia and overseas.

Hamish was formerly the Education Manager at the State Library of Victoria where he developed many successful learning programs. He has also been a teacher in the UK and Japan. His experience in designing and managing a Middle Years campus in Melbourne provided him with a wealth of insights on student engagement.

With NoTosh Hamish has helped organise the inaugural Do Lectures Australia to critical acclaim and ran Startup Weekend Education Melbourne. Hamish works with scores of our schools across the country on design thinking, formative assessment and creative leadership strategy.

NoTosh works globally from bases in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Melbourne, Australia.

Register: Heredownload (1)

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September 10, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Session time change for ‘Secret Security Business’ webinar for students

The eSafety Commission have notified us that they need to change the  ‘Secret Security Business’ webinar time previously presented on Global2. We have organised the session to be moved and repeated it to give you and your students the best chance to attend.

The new times are

Wednesday Sept 16th 1:30 – 2:15 pm  (Room will open at 12:30) (Term 3)

Thursday October 15th 9:40 -10:25 am (Room opens at 8)
NB This is a repeat of the session, not a recording. (Term 4)

If you wish to attend the Wednesday afternoon and you have already enrolled for the session you won’t need to do anything as your invitation link has been moved with the room.

If you wish to attend the session in October you will need to re – register

To register for the Thursday October 15th 9:40 -10:25am, please visit the following link:

To know more about the event, please visit our website:

Many teachers have asked if we can repeat the very successful session Online Introduction to the eSafety Commission.
We will organise this and notify schools. 

I look forward to seeing you in the session.

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September 3, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Cybersafety sessions for students and teachers register here

The Department of Education and Training (DET), in partnership with the Australian eSafety Commission, is presenting two free cybersafety webinars, for teachers and students respectively, via the Department’s virtual conferencing facility Adobe Connect. Webinar Cybersafety

The first session for teachers will be an online introduction to the eSafety Commission and the organisation’s role and resources for schools.

The second session for Year 5-7 students. It will focus on connecting safely with others, managing potential risks online, and include strategies to protect personal information.

These seminars will provide teachers and students with information and advice on cybersafety.

Actions Required

To access and register for the eSafety Commission sessions, register via Adobe Connect.

Session Dates

Dates for the eSafety Commission webinars are:

  • Session 1 for teachers
    Thursday 10th September 2015 at 3:45pm – 4:45pm
    An online session for teachers will introduce the role of the newly formed eSafety Commission and the programs and resources they provide for schools.
  • Session 2 for Year 5-7 students
    Wednesday 16th September at 9:30am – 10:30am
    Secret Security Business will get the students to consider how they can connect safely with others and manage potential risks online. It will include strategies to protect their own and other people’s personal information.

Further Information

For any queries about this event, please contact Sandy Phillips, Digital Learning and STEM, at or visit the Australian eSafety Comission website at​

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September 2, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Classroom ready: Demonstrating the impact on student learning of initial teacher education programs

The paper Classroom ready: Demonstrating the impact on student learning of initial teacher education programs is intended to stimulate discussion about how teacher education programs in Australia can demonstrate their impact on school student learning.

The paper highlights the importance of, and proposes requirements for, evidence of impact to help Australia’s teachers be their best. The paper builds on the strengths of the current national approach to accreditation of initial teacher education programs and the work of states and territories. The paper has been informed by three stimulus papers developed to promote thinking about approaches to accreditation based on evidence of impact.

Your feedback

AITSL is inviting anyone with an interest in initial teacher education to read the paper and respond to the three questions.

  1. Which of the proposed components of evidence of impact would convince you about the quality of initial teacher education programs?
  2. What components of evidence of impact should be mandatory, and which should be optional?
  3. What evidence of impact could initial teacher education providers feasibly collect?

Have your say

Submissions will close on: 11 September 2015 at 5:00pm AEST

AITSL will provide a summary of submissions on the AITSL website. Submissions will contribute to our ongoing work in the Strengthened accreditation of initial teacher education programs.*


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September 1, 2015
by marcellinus

Teacher Training in Junior FIRST® LEGO® League

Do you have students in the Junior part of your school who are really into LEGO? Do you feel that you need to catch up on the latest LEGO resources for you classroom? Would you like some support in finding out more?

Then this opportunity could be for you!

2015 CS4HS Teacher Training in Junior FIRST® LEGO® League

With support from Google, FIRST® Australia will be holding Junior FIRST® LEGO® League teacher training!

We will be holding one day workshops on Thursday the 24th of September and Friday the 25th of September at Macquarie University. Training will include information on FIRST, Jr. FLL, and the WeDo™ kit. Teachers will then get to try it for themselves before we host a teacher – Junior FIRST® LEGO® expo at the end of the day. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Each school:

  • can send up to two teachers.
  • is committing to having at least one Jr. FLL team for the 2015/2016 season.

Final round of applications closes on Friday September 11th.

Access Applications Here!

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August 31, 2015
by marcellinus

Classroom of the Future Webinar dates and topics Term 4, 2015

Social media for learning – the Yammer experience

7th October, 4:00-4:40pm

In today’s hyper connected world students are creating deep networks in social media. The potential power of social media in learning is immense but how can schools harness the benefits of social media while still maintaining a safe online environment? Throughout 2015 Charles La Trobe P-12 College has been trialling the Yammer network to provide a safe social learning space for students and teachers. This webinar look at the use of Yammer in the College and the variety of ways it has been used to improve student learning outcomes.

Suitable for all teachers and school leaders interested in using social media for learning.


Respond via Eventbrite


STEM in schools – setting up a maker space and club

21st October, 4:00-4:40pm

The importance of STEM is a growing trend in education. Where can schools start in integrating STEM practices and learning in their curriculum and spaces? The makerspace and maker club are a great entry point for schools looking to establish student centred making and creating. This webinar will share the experience of Charles La Trobe P-12 College in establishing a maker movement. Spaces, equipment, pedagogy and curriculum will be shared in this webinar.

Suitable for all teachers and leaders interested in helping students make and create.

Respond via Eventbrite

Coding in school – where to start? (Targeted at primary schools)

4th November, 4:00-4:40pm

Coding is an excellent way to both engage students deeply in learning and develop their problem solving skills. But where should teachers and students start? This webinar will share the experiences of year 3-6 teachers at Charles La Trobe P-12 College in implementing coding in their classrooms using visual block based applications (Tynker, Scratch and Hopscotch). The presenters will share pedagogy and lessons learned, and participants will learn that anyone can implement coding in their classroom.

This webinar is particularly suited to Primary School teachers.

Respond via Eventbrite

Leading digital change in schools – lessons for digital leaders

18th November, 4:00-4:40pm

Leading change is challenging. Leading change in digital learning is more challenging again. Choosing platforms, devices, professional learning, coaching, frameworks, and engaging reluctant teachers – the list goes on and on. In this webinar the lessons learned from the Classroom of the Future project will be shared and discussed.

Suitable for all school leaders and teachers who want to lead the improvement of digital learning.

Respond via Eventbrite

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August 30, 2015
by marcellinus

Education in Games Summit 2015 – A Gameful World

gamefulAs part of the International Games Weeks being held in Melbourne in October the ‘Education in Games Summit 2015 – A Gameful World.’ will provide Victorian Primary and Secondary teachers with a unique opportunity to hear from some of the leading players in the game development industry.

Date: Thursday, October 29

Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm 

Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

For: Primary & Secondary Teachers 

Cost: $90 (ex-GST) *Includes access to Day One of PAX Australia 

Summit Registration:

Workshop selections: Please click here to add your workshop selections

Full Program: Program: A Gameful World

Flyer: Education in Games Summit Flyer

The Summit will explore the clear links to learning and teaching in Victorian classrooms and the resources available for teachers to explore.

For further information please contact the Digital Learning Branch

The Summit will provide:

  • A snapshot of the game development industry and a strong focus on the broad range of creative careers open to Victorian students
  • Stories behind successful game developers and their impact here in Victoria and internationally
  • Clear links to STEM and the latest information about the new Digital Technologies curriculum for Primary & Secondary schools, including an overview of the resources and support available to teachers.

Summit Keynote Speaker – Dr Steffen Walz Dr Steffen Walz is an Associate Professor at RMIT University and the founder–director of RMIT’s Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratory, the GEElab. At the GEElab, an international team of researchers scrutinizes the potential (and pitfalls) of play, games and game design elements for non-entertainment purposes.steffan Steffen is inspiring and teaching the next generation of game-developers and problem solvers. Summit Workshops Workshops will be run by classroom teachers, academics and games industry experts, including from Google, Microsoft, Intel, Unity and the Game Developers Association of Australia. Areas covered will include: Minecraft, Virtual Reality & Kerbal Space Program Coding with Scratch, Unity Games Curriculum, Literacy through Game Book Adventures, Gamification & Creating Games, Microsoft TouchDevelop, Intel Galileo, Games as Text, Curriculum Links and Engaging Students through Games. For further details on the summit workshops follow this link: Education in Games Summit_Workshop Outlines Registration includes access to Day One of PAX Australia – October 30 As part of their Summit ticket participants will also be eligible to attend the first day (Oct 30) of PAX Australia ( held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. PAX is a festival celebrating games culture and it connects the world’s leading game publishers with their most avid fans. The first day of PAX will involve a number of education related panels & speakers from around the world.     Presented by Creative vic amcidet  

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August 28, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

2015 ACHPER Conference – Health, Outdoor, Sport & Physical Education

The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER), Victorian Branch invites teachers to join a vibrant ‘community of practice’ by attending this year’s

ACHPER Conference

26-27 November

Monash University, Clayton

Now in it’s 29th year, their premier professional learning event continues to support, enhance and advocate for highest quality Health, Outdoor, Sport and Physical Education for Foundations – Year 12 teachers. Here is just a sample of the sessions provided at the conference which support teachers to integrate digital technologies into their programs.
ICT in Physical Education​​

  • Using iPads/tablets to your advantage
  • Physical Education Apps to reinvigorate your programs
  • ​Technology to increase activity
  • Flipped classrooms – what does this mean?
  • The power of social media as professional learning
    For full details go to the ACHPER conference site
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