August 7, 2015
by marcellinus

Bring iTunes U to your classroom with these PD sessions

Creating courses in iTunes U online sessions

Victorian educators have the opportunity to discover how iTunes U Course Manager is the best tool to embed Apps, books and videos into your existing teaching resources, streamlining your teaching workflow and transforming student learning. This free online session will be facilitated through the Department’s Adobe Connect web conferencing facility.

The session will be available on three dates (content will be the same for all sessions).

Dates for the Creating courses in iTunes U online sessions are:

o   Session 1: Wednesday 19 August 2015, 3:45pm – 4:30pm

o   Session 2: Wednesday 26 August 2015, 3:45pm – 4:30pm

o   Session 3: Tuesday 1 September 2015, 3:45pm – 4:30pm

To register for a Creating courses in iTunes U online session, register via the Eventbrite link:

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August 7, 2015
by marcellinus

What is possible with Adobe Creative Cloud?

With the growing interest in developing creativity amongst our students, teachers are looking for digital solutions to embed within their curriculum planning. As BYOT (Bring Your Own Technologies) and Cloud based platforms become increasingly popular across Victorian schools, it is important as a teacher to model digital literacies across all curriculum areas. Finding the right resource or software to meet student needs has always been a priority for teachers.

In the coming months the Digital Learning Branch in partnership with Adobe Education is providing great opportunities for teachers and students to explore the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of resources.

If you are using mobile devices in your classroom already, jump in and try Adobe Voice and Adobe Slate. These free apps will give your students the freedom to create dynamic, beautiful multimedia presentations and webpages to share their learning.

You can find some great examples at the Adobe Education Exchange or better still upload your students work in FUSE and share their stories.

Teacher workshops – What is possible with Adobe Creative Cloud?

Face to Face workshops:
Monday August 10: Two sessions 1.30 – 3.30 and 4.30 pm – 6.30pm


 Join Adobe as they share the possibilities of Adobe Creative Cloud in the classroom. Victorian teachers are seeing their students creativity come to life with the latest offering from Adobe Creative Cloud.

The Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is the most up to date versions of what was the Adobe Creative Suite plus lots more. The most recent of Adobe’s industry standard web design, print, audio and video applications are available to download via CC as well as new applications like Adobe Muse and Edge Animate for great HTML website and animation without the need for coding skills.

This workshop will provide an overview of what is included in the Adobe CC and how educators & students around the world are working the CC applications to enhance the way they communicate.

To make the most of this workshop, download the trial version of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and Adobe Muse.

More information about Adobe Creative Cloud software can be found via:


Also don’t forget that the online Adobe Connect workshops are  still open to participate in!

Have a look at this blog post for further information:


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August 6, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Screen It 2015 open for students

Entries are now open for Screen It 2015. Run by the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), Screen It is Australia’s largest moving image competition for primary and secondary school students. Create a live-action film, animation or video game in response to the theme of ‘Change’ to go into the running to win some fabulous prizes.

Run by ACMI Education, Screen It is specifically designed to foster rich educational outcomes and expression through the moving image by providing live videoconferences throughout the year, as well as the online gateway and downloadable resource kit. Entrants can work in groups, classes or on their own to produce their entry. Online submission is easy and entry to Screen It is free.

Entries are judged by a panel of industry experts – including Paper Planes director Robert Connolly – and the winning entrants will receive prizes from Sony, Canon, Crumpler and Madman. Finalists also have the opportunity to attend the Screen It Awards Ceremony, hosted by Good Game’s Bajo and Hex, on Friday 13 November in Melbourne.

With the opportunity to have your work seen by industry professionals and win some really awesome prizes, now’s the time to get your entries in to be a part of Australia’s largest moving image competition.

Click here for more information or to enter!

Entries close 5pm, Monday 21 September.

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August 5, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

National Science Week 15th–23 August

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Running each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and science centres.  It  kicks off  the 15th–23 August and schools are invited to run and promote their own events or join the events available on the website

Great work  to these schools who have organised local events and are promoting them on the National register:

Light Fantatsic
Laburnum Primary School

Upwey High School

Exploring Light
Sussex Heights Primary School & Nara Pre-School

Glengala Science Expo
Glengala Primary School

Steamday 2015
St Albans Heights Primary School

Transition to Science
Wheelers Hill Secondary College

Science Expo
Hillsmeade Primary School 

Let us know if your school is running something special, particularly if it involves innovative use of digital technologies.

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August 1, 2015
by marcellinus

Connecting with Korea: The Australia- Korea Foundation

Australia Korea logo.jpgDFAT Australia Korea Foundation Grant Approved for the Global LYNCs Project

Many students in Victorian schools enjoy the opportunity to connect and learn with our neighbours in Asia.  These connections enrich our understandings of cultures and build partnerships to enhance our region.  Digital technologies have enabled us to build the connections win way we could not have imagined before.

The Global LYNCs Project is an established program and has just become a partner with the Australia-Korea Foundation.  The Foundation will support ongoing enhancements to the project including development of a Korean version of the blog, improvements to the blog (we have just added a visitor counter this week), monthly newsletters to participants, feature articles and a Victorian visitation program from Professor Keong Ku the Korean coordinator for the project. Five additional Victorian schools recently joined the project as part of a pilot with the Daegu District Office of Education, Republic of Korea and the SWVR.    A feature of the pilot is development and trial of curriculum units to compliment Korean/Victorian partnerships.

The Distance Education Centre Victoria DET is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Korea Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia-Korea Foundation and is assisting with the administration of the project.   While predominately dealing with Korean partnerships, Global LYNCs also currently involves some other Asian country partnerships. 

If you are interested in working  with an international school using DET’s outstanding schools telecommunications network please visit the blog at:   or contact Jo Tate for advice and assistance.


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August 1, 2015
by marcellinus

Joining Adobe Connect Online Sessions

DET has recently migrated to Adobe Connect as a provider for virtual conferencing.  This platform offers many new features that provide new ways in which to connect.

Interest in Adobe Connect has been overwhelmingly positive and Brooke from the Digital Learning and STEM branch team has been investigating ways in which to best support uptake.

Below is a message from Brooke for those interested in joining the Adobe Connect Sessions or may have missed a place due to the incredible interest in bookings.


Thank you for your interest in the Adobe Connect Online Sessions. My apologies that signing up for these sessions has been quite difficult! These sessions have been very popular and were booked out within the first day of the registration being opened. So while this has been bit of a logistical nightmare it really is a great problem to have and has forced us to make some adjustments to the program.

Beginner level

After attending and receiving feedback on the first session I have realised that the level of this course is beginner. It is a great introduction for people new to web conferencing and would like a thorough introduction to Adobe Connect. If you are at this level and would like to attend these sessions please indicate the course you would like to attend:

Course 2

Session 1: Monday 17 August

Session 2: Monday 4 August

Course 3:

Session 1: Wednesday 19 August

Session 2: Wednesday 26 August

Only 10 participants can attend these courses (those already registered get preference).

2 more of these courses will be run in the next couple of months so if these dates don’t suit let me know if you would like to be on the waiting list and I’ll contact you when we have the new dates confirmed.

Advanced level

These sessions are targeted for experienced users of Adobe Connect or the previous Blackboard Collaborate (BBC) platform.  Content will be directed at understanding the structure and functionality of AC and how this may be better utilised to produce more effective online synchronous meetings or sessions. These sessions are not intended for first time users however there is no restriction on participation. There will be a recording to be viewed prior to the session to outline lower order procedures including the similarities between AC and BBC to allow for higher order discussion and questions during the session.  Input will be encouraged and welcomed from participants who have used the platform and have strategies or identified issues to share.

Session times:

1.      Tuesday 11th August – 3:45pm

2.      Tuesday 18th August – 3:45pm

3.      Thursday 20th August – 3:45pm

4.      Tuesday 25th August – 3:45pm

Duration: Sessions will not extend past 5:00pm

There is no limit to participant numbers for these sessions but let me know which one you would like to attend so I can register your interest and send you the information for the session.

Sessions will facilitated by Gary Schultz – Digital Learning and STEM Branch – DET.

Please let me know by reply email which sessions you would like to attend, preferably by the end of next Wednesday 5th August so I can make sure everyone has the chance to attend training. Also if you are not interested in any of these sessions please let me know and I’ll stop emailing you about them.

Thanks again for your interest in Adobe Connect and patience.


Brooke McNamara | Senior Project Officer | Digital Learning and STEM Branch
Secondary Reform, Transitions and Priority Cohorts Division
Department of Education and Training

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July 30, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

The Adobe Creative Cloud for schools

With the growing interest in developing creativity amongst our students, teachers are looking for digital solutions to embed within their curriculum planning. As BYOT (Bring Your Own Technologies) and Cloud based platforms become increasingly popular across Victorian schools, it is important as a teacher to model digital literacies across all curriculum areas. Finding the right resource or software to meet student needs has always been a priority for teachers.


In the coming months the Digital Learning Branch in partnership with Adobe Education is providing great opportunities for teachers and students to explore the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of resources.

If you are using mobile devices in your classroom already jump in and try Adobe Voice and Adobe Slate. These free apps will give your students the freedom to create dynamic, beautiful multimedia presentations and webpages to share their learning.

You can find some great examples at the Adobe Education Exchange or better still upload your students work in FUSE and share their stories.

 Teacher workshops – What is possible with Adobe Creative Cloud?

Monday August 10: Two sessions 1.30 – 3.30 and 4.30 pm – 6.30pm


 Join Adobe as they share the possibilities of Adobe Creative Cloud in the classroom. Victorian teachers are seeing their students creativity come to life with the latest offering from Adobe Creative Cloud.

The Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is the most up to date versions of what was the Adobe Creative Suite plus lots more. The most recent of Adobe’s industry standard web design, print, audio and video applications are available to download via CC as well as new applications like Adobe Muse and Edge Animate for great HTML website and animation without the need for coding skills.

This workshop will provide an overview of what is included in the Adobe CC and how educators & students around the world are working the CC applications to enhance the way they communicate.

To make the most of this workshop, download the trial version of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and Adobe Muse.

More information about Adobe Creative Cloud software can be found via:


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July 29, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Students and teachers connecting to learn

Virtual conferencing opens doors to new learning and teaching opportunities beyond the classroom. Victorian students and teachers have access to a flexible suite of virtual learning tools enabling them to connect, interact, share and learn with others outside of their classroom and school.

Students and teachers connecting to learn

Virtual conferencing enables you to:

  • deliver subject-specific curriculum to students anywhere in Victoria and beyond
  • interact and authenticate learning by bringing experts and specialists into your classroom without leaving your school
  • stream cultural, scientific and literary events directly to your classroom
  • create your own networks of learners, anywhere around the worldsmall image of booklet shows several students in yellow shirts
  • build intercultural understanding and a sense of global identity

Getting started

Virtual conferencing can be accessed via the internet and allows for participants in multiple locations to interact using audio, video, screen sharing, file sharing, application sharing, a shared interactive whiteboard, polling or instant messaging. Victorian schools have access to many virtual conferencing tools including:

 Full Details

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July 21, 2015
by Jillian Brown

18 ways to use a single iPad in the music classroom

Thanks to Sandy Phillips, Digital Learning and STEM for the original post on ’18 Ways to use a single iPad in the music classroom, posted  in Global2 on 26th June, 2015

One of my favourite videos showcasing Digital Technologies in Victorian Schools is the video on ‘iPad Orchestra’, which can be downloaded on FUSE at or viewed here. This video is a gem and showcases possibilities for music education when the use of real instruments may be limited, or simply be further explored through the use of ICT.MusicEducation

Recently I saw this post and it was a great reminder of the possibilities of ICT in supporting the curriculum.

Even if you have only one iPad there are still lots of ways you can use it with your students, especially if you can plug it into a data projector and speakers. Midnight Music have presented 18 practical ideas for teachers. Go to the link for the full list of ideas. Many of these ideas are also great for students to drive themselves or to work in small groups.
1. Practice note names Use an app like Staff Wars, Flashnote Derby or Noteworks – which all work in a similar way – to teach students notes of the staff. To ensure your whole class is involved, you can make note identification into a game: Connect your iPad to the data projector, open the app, and start the note identification game. As notes appear on the screen, students can write down the note names on a piece of paper. You can secretly identify the note correctly, leaving it as late as possible so students have the maximum time to come up with an answer. You’ll also need to make a note of the correct answers as you go! At the end, students can correct their answers. This would work well as a team game.
2. Practice sight-reading rhythms With your iPad connected to the data projector, start up one of the levels in the Rhythm Cat app (or something similar). The rhythm that appears on the screen can be played by the class as a group – using body percussion or classroom instruments. Students (or the teacher) can tap the rhythm on the screen of the iPad.
3. The funky metronome Set up a drum pattern in GarageBand (use the Smartdrums to generate a quick rhythm), Drumjam or DM1 in a style of your choosing. Use the drum pattern to accompany class ensemble arrangements, or scales in band/orchestra/choir rehearsal. Much more interesting than a plain old metronome!
Check out the full 18 ideas 
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