July 16, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Term 3 workshops announced – Learning and Teaching with Digital Technologies, Tools and Resources

Term 3 workshops have been announced for our popular ‘Learning and Teaching with Digital Technologies, Tools and Resources workshops.

This is a great opportunity to harness blogging, digital content in FUSE, interactive web 2.0 tools, coding and programming and more to support student learning!


Who should attend? These workshops are designed for classroom teachers, ICT leaders, teams and school leaders

Bring: BYO laptop or tablet

Cost: No cost, these workshops are free for school teachers and leaders

Registration is compulsory, please register here now http://bit.ly/1TH33ci

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July 14, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Register NOW for Code Club professional learning – 24th July

Code Club Australia is the network of volunteers and educators getting kids coding! Through a grant from the Telstra Foundation, Code Club is offering FREE professional development to primary school teachers from government, catholic and private schools, keen on getting their students involved in Code Club. The workshop will focus on Scratch, available on all Victorian Government school computers as part of the EduSTAR image. Participants will learn the fundamentals of Scratch and develop an understanding of how to lead a school based code club.

Places are being offered on a first come, first served basis for first workshop offer on Friday 24th July. Be quick! The first teacher to register per school honoured, others are waitlisted.

All teachers required to provide a letter of nomination from their principal to attend.

All teachers must appoint an alternate delegate to attend in the case of unexpected absence. Further workshops will be offered if there is a strong interest in Victoria so please make sure you register for the waiting list if the initial places are full.



1) Register NOW at http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/melbourne-vic-code-club-teacher-training-scratch-1-2-tickets-17687222960

2) Nominate an alternate should your circumstances change (please name them in your principal’s letter)

3) Obtain a letter of nomination from your principal naming you as the attendee**



What will be covered on the day?

9:30 Morning tea and arrival, introductions

10:00 Demystifying Coding in the Classroom

10:30 Scratch: Getting Started with Code Club curriculum

11:30 Teaching vs Facilitating Collaborative Learning: what makes Code Club different

12:00-1:00 Break for lunch (on your own, lunch is not catered at this event)

1:10 Scratch II: Bringing Scratch into the classroom today

1:45 Code Club advocacy and TeachMeet

2:00 Code Club project II: Exploring Scratch with Peers

3:00 Register for materials and final questions


Want to learn more? Check out: Code Club Australia. Check out the active network of Code Clubs in Australia!

For more information contact Kelly Tagalan, Nation Programme Manager, m: +61 (0)458544825.

** Principal nomination letter shall include the following: School letterhead complete with postal address, your name as nominated teacher attending, and name of elected alternate should you become unavailable.


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July 13, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Artists in Schools funding program available for schools

Thanks to Sandy Phillips for this post, originally posted in Global2 on 17th June, 2015

Information Sessions for teachers and artists about the Artists in Schools funding program are being held in June and July across Victoria. The Department of Education and Training Artists in Schools funding program provides opportunities for professional artists to work with young people in Victorian primary and secondary schools. Schools engage an artist for approximately 20 days to work with students and teachers from any curriculum area on a creative project. These projects may be in any art form and need to support learning across the curriculum.

Information sessions are being held across Victoria and online, via Blackboard Collaborate, on the following dates.  Schools must book as places are limited.
·        Online 1:  Tuesday 14 July 2015  (4:00-5:00pm)
·        Online 2:  Wednesday 15 July 2015   (4:00-5:00pm)
·        Healesville: Friday 17 July 2015  (4:30-6:30pm)
·        Online 3:  Tuesday  21 July 2015  (4:00-5:00pm)
·        Melbourne:  Wednesday 22 July 2015 (5:30 – 7:30pm)
·        Benalla: Friday  24 July 2015 (4:30 – 6:30pm)

Book here – http://www.creative.vic.gov.au/AIS

Applications for the Artists in Schools funding program are due Tuesday 8 September 2015 for projects starting after 10 April in 2016.

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June 23, 2015
by Jillian Brown

2015 Victorian CANstruction – Your school can make a difference!

Canstruction1Schools are invited to participate in the 2015 Victorian CANstruction project, a unique philanthropic, artistic, engineering project supported by GASCO. This project enables teams of up to 10 students the opportunity to learn more about Maths and Science principles which are then applied to an artistically engineered design. Student teams from Primary (Grade 5-6) and Secondary Schools (Grade 7-10) work with teachers and mentors from the school community to turn full cans of food into amazing works of art.

This high level thinking project provides student teams with a real life opportunity to predict, theorise, plan, design, argue, prioritise, create, construct, prove, justify and evaluate. It also promotes student philanthropy and a better understanding of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2015.Canstruction3

School communities are encouraged to help teams to collect at least 500 cans per build. CANstruction designs are first built at your school so that your community can participate in and enjoy the experience and then these designs are rebuilt at Bayswater West Primary School on Wednesday 14th October 2015 on BUILD OFF DAY.

All food that is collected and used in the project will be donated to Foodbank our charitable partner, to support individuals and families in need. Canstruction

Visit CANstruction International website to get canspiration. 

Key Dates:

  • Registration closing date: Friday, 17th July
  • Build off day @ Bayswater West PS Wednesday 14th October

Visit http://www.baywestps.vic.edu.au/special-projects/canstruction/ to register and for more details.


Key contacts:

Peter deWacht, Naomi Bausch or Bec Williams

Bayswater West Primary School

Phyllis Street, Bayswater

Ph: (03) 9729 3394

email: bayswater.west.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au





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June 18, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Introducing Adobe Connect!

adobe-connect-9-mnemonic-logoThere are changes happening in the Department’s web conferencing space. From 1st July 2015, Adobe Connect will be the new contracted provider of web conferencing services for DET.

This is exciting news for DET schools. Adobe Connect is designed for teaching and learning and has a shutterstock_253572094number of unique features that will enhance the Department’s web conferences, particularly for its access via mobile devices. Other great features include:

  • Customisable rooms – layouts can be configured and customised to suit the purpose of sessions. Rooms can remain open for recurring meetings and ongoing classes, and breakout rooms are available.
  • Collaboration tools – Adobe Connect offers screen sharing and remote access ability. Tools such as whiteboard annotation; Q and A, Voting and Polling and Chat are also available.
  • Rich media content – document files, video and images are supported in Adobe Connect.
  • Recording functionality – sessions can be edited to put in bookmarks/chapters; interactive elements such as links remain live; and shared files are available online and are exportable.

What do I need to do?

A DET Mail advising all schools of this change will be sent first week of Term 3. Free online training sessions will also be made available.

If you have a web conference scheduled in Blackboard Collaborate after 30 June 2015, please contact the Digital Learning Branch: digital.learning@edumail.vic.gov.au.  We will work with you to recreate these sessions in Adobe Connect.

If you have recordings in Blackboard Collaborate that you would like to keep, please download them as MP3 or MP4 files before 30 June 2015.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact: digital.learning@edumail.vic.gov.au

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June 1, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Professional Learning in Digital Learning



DET Digital Learning Branch offers a range of professional learning opportunities for teachers and School Leaders. Take a look at what we have coming up:

PEERCOACHINGPeer Coaching Course             

Peer Coaching is a professional learning opportunity offered to ICT and curriculum school leaders to assist in building capacity in leveraging digital technologies for learning. The course is offered as a three-day workshop program, hosted in different regions of the state. More information: https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/newsevents/schoolbull/Pages/Peer-Coaching-for-ICT-school-leaders.aspx

Peer Coaching is based on supporting leaders to build capacity at the point of need for teachers. It establishes protocols to enable deep conversations around how pedagogy and digital technologies enhance, accelerate and redefine learning opportunities for students.


IPADS FOR LEARNINGiPads for Learning – online professional learning

The Department of Education and Training’s Virtual Conference Centre is providing iPads for Learning Online Professional Learning sessions, facilitated through Polycom and MS Lync. These sessions are for teachers and leaders who are using iPads in their teaching and learning. They will be supported with materials accessible via the Department’s iTunes U Campus. The sessions include:


21CLD21st Century Learning Design                             

21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) course, is a professional learning opportunity offered to teachers. It helps to develop a shared understanding of important 21st century skills, and learning opportunities that encourage their development in students. The course is offered in a one-day program. More information: https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/newsevents/schoolbull/Pages/Professional-Learning-Opportunity-21st-Century-Learning-Design-Workshops.aspx


ICTPlanningSchool ICT Planning                   

The School ICT Planning Process will assist schools to plan for the effective use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve learning, teaching and administration. These full-day workshops focus on developing a school ICT Plan that will address the school’s learning and teaching goals. More information: https://diglearning.global2.vic.edu.au/2015/06/01/ict-planning-for-school-leaders-june-workshops/

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June 1, 2015
by Jillian Brown

ICT Planning for School Leaders – June workshops announced!

Further dates are scheduled for the popular ICT Planning for School Leaders workshops. These full-day workshops walk school leadership teams through the process of developing a long-term school ICT plan that:

  • address the Learning and Teaching goals of the school
  • develop a sustainable ICT plan that meets the needs of the school community
  • ensures a coherent team approach to ICT planning involving school leaders, ICT Coordinators, curriculum coordinators and technical support staff.

ICT Planning Tool

The workshop steps participants through the DET Online ICT Planning Tool that enables the school to produce a customised ICT Plan bringing together SIPS data, the school learning and teaching goals and budgetary considerations.

Principals, Learning Technologies Coordinators and Specialist technicians can access the tool using the link: http://www.edustar.vic.edu.au/sips/ (Department credentials required to login)

Jo Blannin Presenting to Audience

Who Should Attend?

This is a workshop for school leaders. It may involve ICT or Curriculum Coordinators or classroom teachers involved in their schools ICT planning. Whilst a school technician may accompany a school leader, the school technician should not attend as their schools only representative.

June Workshops

NOTE: All Workshop Registration links can also be found at: http://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/?5N5WL5.

Demand for these workshops is high and places are limited. If you are unable to register for a specific event, please notify maggs.peter.j@edumail.vic.gov.au

 For Further Information Contact:

Peter Maggs, Senior Project Officer
DET – Digital Learning Branch

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May 28, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Concluding Education Week 2015 and Using Scratch in your Classroom

thanks to Penny Rowe from the Digital Learning Branch for this week’s blog post

The Great Victorian Coding Challenge, hosted by DET last week was a huge success, with 132 schools across the state registering. Congratulations to our three winning schools, Watsonia PS, St Kilda Park PS, and Mitcham PS who were the lucky ones to be randomly drawn for the prize, a specialised visit to Quantam Victoria.  All students demonstrated impressive skills using the coding software Scratch, available through EduSTAR.

Three different coding challenges inspired teachers and students to engage in the challenge, with webinars offered in preceding weeks to support teachers and students to confidently get involved.  The coding challenges targeted different age groups, and included creating a character to draw different shapes, animating a character to explore a maths concept, and creating a game to explore a maths concept. All competition entries can be viewed here:

Screenshot. (48) Success comes in many shapes and sizes, and the challenge saw students not only develop coding skills, but also collaborate amongst themselves and between schools, engage in problem solving, and applying critical thinking to their tasks. DET Digital Learning received a range of positive feedback from teachers and students, excited about the challenge, painting a picture of students engaged in their learning across the state.  One teacher reported that

“…the grade has had so much fun working with Scratch – this is our first time ever… I am really proud of all of them (entries).  The grade wants to continue with making monthly challenges for each other on Scratch so I think we have only ‘scratched’ the surface!”. 

Another teacher reported

“We only started using Scratch at the beginning of the term but the students are very excited and motivated to use it. We had the first few weeks using the Scratch cards so they could learn how to do some basic things but, since I’ve let them work in groups to create their entry project, the excitement has increased amazingly. All I hear when I walk around is “I wonder if we did this…” or “How do I do this….and they often go back to the cards for help or break down their problem into smaller parts. Many groups are madly coding…”.

If you missed out on this year’s challenge, and haven’t used Scratch, it is worth taking a look at the Scratch site. More and more schools are discovering the benefits of using it as a learning tool. Scratch enables learners to create stories, games, and animations, and share their projects globally through its online community. One of the greatest benefits of Scratch is that it can be used to meet learning needs of all stages of learning…and it’s free. Scratch-2-editlarge
Here are some links to the resources provided to schools to support them with the challenge, they may be helpful with getting started with Scratch:
Help resources for teachers and students:

Support webinars were hosted both with teachers and students.  They were recorded and for later viewing.  They can be accessed by using the links below:

The PowerPoint presentation from the webinars can be accessed here. Use them to discuss the challenge with your students or to find out helpful information about the challenge. The success of the Coding Challenge and Education Week has been well received within the Digital Learning Branch, but probably the greatest triumph has been that so many more of our students across Victorian schools have been exposed to the joys of coding.

The success of the Coding Challenge and Education Week has been well received, but probably the greatest triumph has been that so many more of our students across Victorian schools have been exposed to the joys of coding.

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May 14, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Opportunity to build collections of resources to support teaching and learning in Victoria

Contributions are being sought from teachers across Victoria to create engaging and useful resource packages aligned to AusVELS for FUSE  https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/

FUSE_primaryResource packages can be developed to support all learning areas, and should also support the use of digital learning.  Resources can be developed for teachers or students or both.

CRT costs will be available to pay for time.

If you are interested in contributing to build our bank of resources, please email digital.learning@edumail.vic.gov.au by Wed 27th May, 2015.

Templates and guidelines will be made available to contributors.

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May 11, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Professional Learning for Teachers and School Leaders – Digital Technologies and Resources

DET Digital Learning Branch has announced a series of Professional Learning sessions for School Leaders and classroom teachers, to be delivered in Term 2.

There will be two different sessions focusing on Digital Technologies and Resources: one hour ‘taster’ sessions for School Leaders and three hour ‘digging deeper’ sessions for classroom teachers.

The one hour sessions will provide a taster for School Leaders (including ICT leaders, Leading Teachers & Principal class) through exploring digital content, blogging, and tools for connecting and collaborating through FUSE, Global2, DigiPubs, and virtual conferencing to support student learning.

PL_jbTuesday 28th May, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Mt Erin Secondary College, Frankston

Tuesday 2nd June, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Laburnum Primary School, Blackburn

Tuesday 9th June, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Bimbadeen Heights PS, Mooroolbark

Bring? BYO laptop or tablet

Cost? No cost

Register http://tinyurl.com/npcgu6u


The three hour sessions for classroom teachers dig deeper, harnessing blogging, digital content in FUSE, interactive web 2.0 tools, coding and programming and more to support student learning.

Thursday 4th June, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Knox Park Primary School

Tuesday 9th June, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, CASES Training Centre, Dandenong

Bring? BYO laptop or tablet

Cost? No cost

Register: http://tinyurl.com/qzx6w2q


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