November 9, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Artlink to Archibald – a virtual art experience

Thanks to Jo Tate, DET Virtual Learning Senior Project Officer for this blog post.

archi  archi3archi

Recently, students from Victorian schools engaged in an exciting virtual event celebrating portraiture in art, Artlink to Archibald, presented by the Art Gallery of Ballarat’s Archibald Education Program. The program included a brief history of portraiture, IMG_1655Archibaldan overview of the Archibald Prize exhibition, and a portrait workshop with a professional artist.

625 students from 20 Victorian schools, including schools in remote regions and students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds were given the opportunity to participate in this online event.

Artists and models featured during the course of workshops, enhancing the program. Each workshop provided a historical context and hands on drawing of a live model with a resident artist.  Time was allowed towards the end of each workshop for students to share their art with participating schools, via MSLYNC and Polycom.  

“It was exciting to push the capacity of the technology for such an effective program catering for so many simultaneous end points in schools.   We are currently conducting a formal evaluation to assist future planning”, remarked DET Virtual Learning Coach, Jo Tate who helped to facilitate the program. Capture3Archibald

The Art Gallery of Ballarat began offering virtual events in September 2015.  The success of the first event, Bunjil The Creator led to the inclusion of a virtual component for each exhibition with a school based component.  The Gallery is currently planning an ongoing event based around portraits permanently in their exhibition and another program based around Art as a cultural statement suitable for international sister school partnerships. workshop was supported by Gandel Philanthropy, as part of its support of FACE, the Gallery’s Archibald Education Program.


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November 5, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

From next week, DET is offering two free professional learning opportunities, ‘Implementing a 1-to-1 Program in your School’ and ‘International Classroom telecommunications with South Korea: emerging research’ (via Polycom and MSLYNC).

Implementing a 1-to-1 program in your school

These forums are for school leaders, ICT and Curriculum Co-ordinators to provide practical advice and guidance to implement a successful 1-to-1 program. Register for one of these sessions using the Eventbrite links below.Ito1

Topics covered will include:

  • Examples of 1-to-1 models including school owned Bring Your Own Device and co- contribution
  • Information about the Personal Devices – Parent Payments and Access Policy, which can be accessed here
  • Aspects to consider when planning your 1-to-1 program
  • School stories outlining examples of how the 1-to-1 program has been implemented
  • Access to a suite of resources to support your 1-to-1 program, including a 1-to-1 planning guide which can be accessed here
  • Discover DET resources to support 1-to-1 programs.

Dates (all sessions run from 2:30pm to 4:30pm)

Cost: no cost

For more information contact regarding these sessions contact Alistair Bishop on 9637 2193 or by email:


International Classroom telecommunications with South Korea: emerging research

Date: Monday 9th November Time: 3.45 pm – 5 pm via Polycom or MSLYNC (access details below)

‘International Classroom telecommunications with South Korea: emerging research’ presents a great opportunity for Educators to gain a basic introduction to the Republic of South Korea’s education system. You will hear about research being conducted into school partnership links via telecommunications (synchronous and asynchronous) and how such curriculum sharing impacts on cultural and language learning in particular.   Work with the USA and the DET Global LYNC project will also be explored.  Participants will have opportunities to interact and ask questions during this presentation.

Presenter: Professor Keong Ku Ph.D. Keimyung University, South Korea (expertizing in global tele collaborative learning in K-12 class settings).Korean

Who should attend?

  • Teachers & Principals interested in global classrooms and what they offer our students
  • Administrators interested in sister school partnerships using telecommunications
  • Schools wanting to address linking to Asia – Australian Curriculum Standards
  • Anyone interested in understanding more about the Korean education system

Cost: no cost

Register for this presentation at

Connect to this meeting using one of several methods:

  • Connecting from inside the eduSTAR School or CoMET videoconference network
    • Connect using the Polycom videoconferencing unit – Enter the conference number into the unit using the remote control: Videoconference Number: 6117632
    • Connect from your computer using Microsoft Lync: Join the meeting using Microsoft Lync
  • Connecting from outside the eduSTAR School or CoMET videoconference networks
    If your videoconferencing unit supports making IP (H.323) calls, dial conference IP number:
    Using a Polycom unit: or
    Using a non Polycom unit: 6117632203.113.221.202
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November 2, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Victorian Education Excellence Awards – Winners Announced!

On Friday 30th October on World Teachers Day in Australia, the winners of the 2015 Victorian Education Excellence Awards were announced at a prestigious presentation ceremony held at the Plaza Ballroom, Melbourne.

The Victorian Education Excellence Awards recognise inspirational teachers, principals, business managers, support staff, and teams who improve young lives and give Victorian children the skills, courage and curiosity they need to be their best.

Individuals and teams from government schools across Victoria were recognised across nine award categories.


Lindsay Thompson Award for Excellence in Education: Sunshine College, Sunshine College Maths Team

Outstanding Secondary Principal Award: Anthony Rodaughan, Kurnai College

Outstanding Primary Principal Award: Leanne Edwards, Bass Valley Primary School

robSpagliaOutstanding Secondary Teacher Award: Robert Sbaglia, Crusoe 7-10 Secondary College (pictured, right)

Outstanding Primary Teacher Award: Sarah Asome, Bentleigh West Primary School

Outstanding Business Manager Award: Fiona Kirby, Old Orchard Primary School

Outstanding Education Support Team Award: Mornington Primary School Education Support Officer (ESO) Team

Outstanding School Advancement Award: Sunshine College, Sunshine College Maths Team

Outstanding Inclusive Education Award: Katandra School, The Katandra Project

Outstanding Koorie Education Award: Northern Bay P-12 College Koorie Education Program (pictured, right)KoorieTeam


For more information on the contributions of these educators, visit

To read more about the Victorian Education Excellence Awards, visit


Finalists’ thoughts about how they are making a difference to Victorian children and the rewards of their role were captured in this short video.

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October 26, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Digital Australia

Last term one of our colleagues attended a presentation by Jeffrey Brand from Bond University in Queensland titled ‘Digital Australia 2016’, DigitalAustralia2016a presentation focussing on an industry report about the state of interactive media in Australia with a focus on demographics, play habits, behaviours and attitudes. Of particular interest was the statistics around game playing in Australia. The report identifies some key findings including:

  • Games provide a transformational media – hand/head/heart
  • It is an immersive experience
  • 5% or less of the population are addicted to games
  • Parents are afraid of games because they don’t understand the medium
  • Games provide parents the opportunities to start discussions with their children.
  • Today’s entertainment is tomorrow’s economic literacy – why STEM and digital literacy is so important!

To check out Jeffrey Brand’s presentation, resources and the full report follow the link


A gameful world It’s interesting to reflect on this presentation as we prepare for the Games in Education Summit 2015 at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre this Thursday, 29th October. The Summit will explore the links to learning and teaching in Victorian classrooms and the resources available to teachers. With contributions from the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Department of Education and Training, the Game Developers Association of Australia, Google, Intel, Microsoft and Unity, the Summit will cover:

  • A snapshot of the game development industry in Victoria and internationally, and its importance to the digital economy
  • The broad range of creative careers open to Victorian students
  • The stories behind successful game developers and the impact they are making here in Victoria and internationally
  • The growth in serious games and gamification to solve real world challenges
  • A Curriculum Panel discussion looking at the clear links to the Digital Technologies curriculum and STEM in both primary & secondary schools
  • 12 workshops presented by classroom teachers, game developers and academics showcasing how game development, game playing, serious games and gamification are being used in the classroom
  • An overview of the resources and support available to teachers.

It’s not too late to register for this event. Register here

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October 26, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Scientists in Schools

Thanks to Warracknabeal SC and DET Virtual Learning Coach, Butch, for this blogpost.

Warracknabeal Secondary College recently had a virtual visit from its SIS partner Dr. Peter Nichols from CSIRO Food & Nutrition and Oceans & Atmosphere based in Hobart. Dr Nichols spoke to the Year 10/11 Chemistry class on his specialty area of Oils Chemistry. He described his role as a member of a CSIRO team working to incorporate specific algal omega-3 genes into land plants including canola to produce fish oil like levels of the health-benefitting long-chain omega-3 oils. Such plants can in the future supply sustainable sources of these ‘good oils’ for use in feeds, food products, supplements and pharmaceuticals.

The CSIRO research team was the first group in the world to achieve the production of DHA, one of the main long-chain omega-3 oils, in an oilseed. In a world first, the Australian partner of CSIRO, Nuseed a subsidiary of Nufarm, commenced field trials of the DHA-containing canola in Horsham in mid 2014. The field trials follow on from the successful transfer of the plants from CSIRO to Horsham and their testing in greenhouse trials. This makes the connection and discussion even more ‘real’ for the Wimmera students. Dr Nichols also spoke about his career path and interest in science to the class.

The Science in Schools session with WSC will continue in the future to expose students to ‘real’ science through connections with an external expert which includes demonstrations of experiments using oils analytical equipment at CSIRO.

Warracknabeal Secondary College thanks Peter for his time in visiting our college to support its students through the SIS program.


SIS partnership between WSC, Warracknabeal, Victoria and CSIRO Hobart – Virtual visit from Dr Nichols in Hobart (centre) to Warracknabeal where John teaches his students (from left): Matt Stephensen, Courtney Arnott and Isaac McPherson. In case you hadn’t picked the similarity, Peter Nichols is John’s identical twin brother.


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October 12, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Artlink to Archibald: A virtual event celebrating the portrait in art

archiarchi3As part of its Archibald Education Program, the Art Gallery of Ballarat is offering your students to participate in an online live workshop. The session will include a brief history of portraiture, an overview of the Archibald Prize exhibition, including some of this year’s highlights, and a portrait workshop with a professional artist. archi Limited places are available and priority will be given to schools in remote regions and schools who have students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The Gallery will supply participating schools with an exhibition introductory wall text which you can use if you choose to mount an exhibition of your students’ work in your school. Schools can also send us a selection of their artworks for display on the Art Gallery of Ballarat website. The workshop is supported by Gandel Philanthropy, as part of its support of FACE, the Gallery’s Archibald Education Program.  


  • Wednesday 21 October 1 – 2.30pm. Primary, Years 3 – 6
  • Thursday 22 October 1 – 2.30pm. Secondary, Years 7 – 10
  • Wednesday 28 October 1 – 2.30pm. Primary, Years 3 – 6
  • Thursday 29 October 1 – 2.30pm. Secondary, Years 7 – 10

Details of the event:

  • The session will include:
    1. A brief overview of the Archibald Prize exhibition and Art Gallery of Ballarat portrait collection by Gallery Educator (AusVELS Exploring and responding to art).
    2. A hands-on portrait workshop with a local practising artist (AusVELS Creating and making art).

How can your school participate?

  1. MSLYNC – A link will be provided on confirmation of Registration
  2. Polycom VC. A number will be provided on confirmation of Registration

Do you need technical advice or assistance? Please contact DET Virtual Learning Coach Jo Tate To participate, you will need to have ready at your school:

  • A4 cartridge paper
  • Graphite 2B pencils,
  • Colour pencils (preferably watercolour pencils or pastels)
  • Erasers

Bookings Please complete the following and email to

  • School Name………………………………………………
  • Highlight the event your school is interested in. If you could potentially be available on either date please highlight both dates:
    1. Wednesday 21 October 1 – 2.30pm. Primary, Years 3 – 6
    2. Thursday 22 October 1 – 2.30pm. Secondary, Years 7 – 10
    3. Wednesday 28 October 1 – 2.30pm. Primary, Years 3 – 6
    4. Thursday 29 October 1 – 2.30pm. Secondary, Years 7 – 10
  • Primary contact email: ………………………………………
  • Number of students participating: ……………………………..
  • Please indicate the % of students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds? …………………………..
  • Will there be any Koori Students involved? Numbers? ………………

Send Registration proposal details to Michael Nichols, Education Officer, Art Gallery of Ballarat  

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October 8, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Register NOW – Digital Technologies Information Webinars

DIGITECHTo support teachers with getting started the Department has partnered with Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) to present three introduction webinars for Victorian teachers. Teachers will need to report against this new curriculum by 2017, which is why it is important to start learning about classroom implementation early. To find out more follow the registration links. All sessions will be at a beginner level and will assume little prior knowledge. Make sure you register early to avoid disappointment. There is no cost to participate.

For further information or enquires please contact Penny Rowe at or 03 9651 3017.

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October 8, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Games in Education Summit 2015: A gameful world – 29th October 2015

GamesAs part of International Games Week in the last week of October, Victorian primary and secondary teachers will have the opportunity to listen to some of the leading players in the game development industry. With its growing popularity among young people and the world, the Education in Games Summit 2015 is an ideal opportunity for students to leap into this growing industry.

Presented by Creative Victoria, the Department of Education and Training and ACMI, the summit is a collection of workshops, speeches and panel discussions with industry experts.

Curriculum connections and information to the new Digital Technologies curriculum will support teachers to learning about implementing the curriculum in the classroom.

Attendees can customise their experience and find events that interest them over the all-day event.

The keynote speaker for the summit is Dr Steffen Walz, an Associate Professor at RMIT University and the founder-director of Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratory, the GEElab. At the GEElab, an international team of researchers scrutinizes the potential (and pitfalls) of play, games and game design elements for non-entertainment purposes.

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, October 29
Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
For: Primary & Secondary Teachers
Cost: $90 (ex-GST) *Includes access to Day One of PAX Australia

If you’re interested in attending the summit, please register at: Education in Games Summit 2015 – Registrations

To see a full list of the workshops and sessions at the summit, please see: A Gameful World – Program

To promote the event at your school, please print and display: A Gameful World – Education in Games Summit 2015 – Flyer

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September 23, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge register now

The Edublogs Global Student Blogging Challenge

sbc2015-17x6216Come get your students blogging and connecting with their peers from around the world!

The Global Student Blogging Challenge is a free project that the Edublogs team runs for 10 weeks. The event has occured twice yearly since 2008.

The next challenge starts on October 4 and it is now time to register your blog.

The March 2014 student blogging challenge involved:

  • 115 classes
  • 1300 students
  • 15 countries
  • 32 mentors

During the challenge, Sue Wyatt (@tasteach), along with support from Sue Waters and the team atEdublogs, provides weekly challenge tasks to help students and classes building blogging skills and connect globally through their blogs.

The Challenge is open to both class blogs and to individual student bloggers from all over the world and of all ages – blogs don’t need to be hosted by Edublogs to participate, but your blog must be public.

Check out the following pages to learn more about the Challenge:

To Register

There are two ways to register:

To Help

There have been over 1300 students in the last few challenges and it isn’t possible for Sue Wyatt to visit them all regularly.

Can you help with this?

You might be a teacher, principal, educational coach, parent, retired teacher or a trainee teacher and would like to get involved with student blogging. You can register as a mentor and help mentor small groups of 10-30 students during the challenge.

What do the students learn about in the challenge?

  • creating pages and posts
  • creating avatars
  • digital citizenship
  • commenting skills
  • connecting with students globally
  • using tools and embedding on their blog
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September 21, 2015
by marcellinus

Plenty to do during the school holidays in Victoria!

The school holidays have begun.  Although the beginning of spring and the excitement of the AFL finals season gets Victorians motivated, there is plenty more on offer to get involved in during the term break.

Have a look at this comprehensive list of activities on offer for the next two weeks.

There are metro and regional activities on offer including, arts, craft, nature, sporting, performances and more.

To find out what is on offer in the City of Melbourne during the term break follow this link:

We think that the Code Club activity at the Library at the Docks looks like a lot of fun!

or even making your own action figure could be a highlight.

Take the time to have a look at what’s on offer, you’re sure to be pleasantly surprised!


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