August 27, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Global Collaboration Day, September 17, 2015

Global Collaboration Day 
Join 1,000’s of educators for the very first ‘Global Collaboration Day’ – September 17, 2015.
Full details on website – Global Collaboration Day  use the hashtag #globaled15 globalday

Global Education Conference
The 2015 Global Education Conference will be held November 16-November 19.
All details on the Global Education Conference website.
Applications now open for presentations.
The entire conference is virtual and will take place online in webinar format. Sessions are held around the clock to accommodate participant time zones.

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August 27, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership

Bastow delivers innovative and evidence-based leadership development that responds to the ever-evolving needs of teachers, principals, education support and early childhood professionals at every stage of their career journey.

Bastow is a branch within the Department of Education and Training (DET) offering leadership development that is highly relevant and closely aligned with current policies and frameworks.

Please consider the following leadership courses, programs and events for your ongoing professional development.


Professional Practice

Further develop your confidence and capability to implement the Department’s performance and development approach. These highly practical workshops are targeted to Senior Advisors, Principals and Teachers. There are multiple intakes and the workshops are also delivered in regional locations.


Other DET Programs

Victorian Deaf Institute (VDEI) – Professional Learning

For full details visit

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August 26, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Flat Connections global projects starting in September

Many online globally collaborative projects for K-12 start again September 2015 to coincide with the beginning of the school year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Flat Connections Global Projects

Flat Connections projects are designed for success with global collaboration. They are fully supported and managed by global educators who understand the challenges of using technology to connect and collaborate.

READ MORE about ALL projects, age recommendations, workflow and collaboration details on the website. APPLY TODAY!

There is also the  Connect with China Learning Collaborative to check out for schools who wish to connect with China




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August 21, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

AEU and TLN professional learning

The Australian Education Union (AEU) and the Teacher Learning Network (TLN) are presenting the following professional learning events for teachers, early childhood educators and pre-service teachers. A number of these events are held online.

Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) Conferences – Behaviour management
These conferences offer full day professional development and an opportunity for networking. The conferences are open to non-members. CRTs can also participate online. Wednesday September 23

Student Teacher Conference
The AEU holds two conferences each year for final-year student teachers. Participants learn about critical issues, hear from education experts and participate in relevant workshops. Friday October 2 2015

Early Childhood Conference
This year’s theme is Early Childhood: We Need to Talk. Keynote speakers Anthony Semann, Catherine Hydon and Andrea Nolan will address the big picture issues facing the sector. Open to non-members Saturday August 22. AEU Abbotsford and online.

Register at

The TLN  Online Training Space 
The TLN provides regular online professional learning opportunities The TLN events calendar presents these events. A sample of these include:

Creating individual education plans for students with special needs Q&A
27 August 2015 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
TLN online training space
Register at

Tuning the brain onto learn
27 November 2014 11:44 AM
TLN online training space
Daniel Cohen
Register at

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August 19, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

2015 Heywire Competition is open now

The ABC’s 2015 Heywire Competition is open now and closes on Wednesday September, 16 2015.  Enter now!ABC Heywire Youth Forum  at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, 9th February, 2012. Photographer: Mark Graham

The heart of Heywire is an individual telling a personal story.

You must be aged 16-22 on 31 January 2016. You must also live in Australia, but not in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth or Sydney. Check your eligibility here.

If you turn 16 by 31 January 2016 you are eligible.  For full details go to



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August 17, 2015
by marcellinus

Surf Coast Secondary share with their professional learning series

3204674SCSC Professional Learning sessions 2015

A new school located in Torquay, Surf Coast Secondary College is a community of life-long learners that are committed to providing ongoing, relevant and timely professional learning for our staff that improves our knowledge and practice in addressing students’ needs.

The professional learning sessions listed below are run by staff members at Surf Coast Secondary College who are exemplary practitioners in the areas of expertise outlined, and who are excited to share their journey and knowledge with colleagues from other educational institutions.

The sessions provide a valuable opportunity to find out more about contemporary learning practices through five different sessions:

  1. What pedagogy really works in a flexible learning space? 
    Wednesday August 26 9am to 3pm
  2. Using iPads to make student thinking transparent
    Thursday September 17 9am to 12pm
  3. Using the Solo Taxonomy to scaffold deep learning in classrooms
    Thursday September 3 9am to 12pm
  4. Learning analytics and how data can be used to inform teaching and build student independence.
    Wednesday September 9 9am to 12pm
  5. Data collection and analysis tools for the contemporary classroom
    Wednesday September 9 1pm – 4pm

Download this form to find out more and register:

SCSC Professional Learning sessions 2015

or visiting

For more information or general inquiries, contact Erin Weightman on 52616633 or

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August 14, 2015
by marcellinus

Lost in the Bush 2015

In the Winter of August 1864, three young children were lost in the bush at Nurcoung near Mount Arapiles in Western Victoria. After nine days, the children were found by Aboriginal trackers and a large search party.

LIB_White_Logo3-289j2j6-300x295The story and courage of child Jane to care for her brothers captured the hearts of the Colony and England.  The story became folklore and etched in history via the Fourth Reader for the Victorian Education Department until the 1960’s.

A movie was made in 1973 depicting the story.

Two sessions via videoconferencing (Polycom VC or MS Lync), to discuss the story.   Watch excerpts from the movie intended for question and discussion prompts and involve your students with in-class activities over the nine days the children were lost.

Wednesday Aug 12th – Thursday 20th August

The program is targeted towards upper primary and lower secondary however, any age group welcome.

For more program information, visit:

No charge for participation in this program.

Limited numbers.

To Register –  Click here

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August 13, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

2015 ATOM Vic. State Conference

Register now for the
2015 ATOM Vic. State Conference: New Perspectives!

Friday 14 and Saturday 15 August, 2015
Graduate House, University of Melbourne

The 2015 ATOM Vic. State Conference, New Perspectives, is all about new perspectives in the classroom and in the media. They will be looking at fresh ways to approach Media teaching across VCE, middle/lower secondary and primary levels, with lots of new ideas and inspiration to keep you going for the next twelve months

and beyond. They will also be hearing from experienced industry professionals on a range of interesting and exciting topics. You’re bound to leave this  valuable two days of learning with a whole new perspective!


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August 12, 2015
by Sandy Phillips

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in the Primary School

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in the Primary School

When: Tuesday 25th August 2015

Time: 5:30pm to 7pm

Cost: free

Laura Barker, Technology and Learning Coordinator K-12, Fintona Girls’ School
Penny Rowe, Senior Project Officer, Digital Learning & STEM Branch, Department of Education and Training.
Mark Richardson, Professional Learning Manager, DLTV

In this session you will, find out how you and your school can begin to implement the Digital Technologies curriculum. This curriculum is ready for school use and is available on the ACARA website. It should appear on the AusVELS website later this year.
These session will be divided into three parts.
1. An introduction to the Digi Tech curriculum. What are its components? How can you approach curriculum planning? Where can you start? What needs to be taught stand alone? What can be integrated into existing programs?
2. Case study of how one primary school is approaching the Digi Tech curriculum. Where did it start? What were some “quick wins”? What directions will the school take as it leads to full integration.
3. Resources to teach the Digi Tech curriculum. What resources are readily available on the internet? What is the easiest way to find them? How can use them to make great DigiTech lessons?

Register for this session to get a head start on Digital Technologies implementation in your primary school.

To attend register on the DLTV event page, using the button at the bottom:

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August 11, 2015
by marcellinus

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in the Primary School

technology-662833_640The Upcoming Digital Technologies curriculum is an exciting and challenging prospect.  It identifies key skills and concepts that learners will develop throughout their time at school from the foundation level up.  Many teachers will be learning this alongside their students.  Below is a professional learning opportunity that is designed to give teachers a head start and provide valuable information and resources in implementing the Digital Technologies curriculum in schools and the classroom.

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in the Primary School

When: Tuesday 25th August 2015

Time: 5:30pm to 7pm

Cost: free


  • Laura Barker, Technology and Learning Coordinator K-12, Fintona Girls’ School
Penny Rowe, Senior Project Officer, Digital Learning & STEM Branch, Department of Education and Training.
Mark Richardson, Professional Learning Manager, DLTV

 In this session you will, find out how you and your school can begin to implement the Digital Technologies curriculum. This curriculum is ready for school use and is available on the ACARA website. It should appear on the AusVELS website later this year.

The session will be divided into three parts.

  1. An introduction to the Digi Tech curriculum. What are its components? How can you approach curriculum planning? Where can you start? What needs to be taught stand alone? What can be integrated into existing programs?
  2. A case study of how one primary school is approaching the Digi Tech curriculum. Where did it start? What were some “quick wins”? What directions will the school take as it leads to full integration.
  3. Resources to teach the Digi Tech curriculum. What resources are readily available on the internet? What is the easiest way to find them? How can use them to make great DigiTech lessons?

Register for this session to get a head start on Digital Technologies implementation in your primary school.

To attend register on the DLTV event page, using the link below:

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