May 7, 2015
by Jillian Brown

New times for ‘Students Making Good Choices & Great Online Communication’ webinars

New times have been announced for the two web conferences on ‘Students Making Good Choices & Great Online Communication’. These web conferences are targeted at Years 4, 5 and 6 students. They will be hosted by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and presented by the Cybersmart Outreach team. These sessions are available for all schools. Schools may choose to attend either or both sessions.

Session A – Making good choices online Thurs 28 May, 9:30am – 10:10am

Session B – Great Online Communication  Weds 10 June, 9:30am – 10:10am

To read more about these web conferences, visit


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May 5, 2015
by Jillian Brown

ICT Planning for School Leaders – dates for NEW workshops announced!


Digital Learning Branch and the Information Technology Division have announced NEW dates for the ICT Planning workshops. These full-day workshops walk school leadership teams through the process of developing a long-term school ICT plan that:

  • addresses the Learning and Teaching goals of the school
  • develops a sustainable ICT plan that meets the needs of the school community
  • ensures a coherent team approach to ICT planning involving school leaders, ICT Coordinators, curriculum coordinators and technical support staff.

ICT Planning Tool

The basis of the day involves stepping participants through the DET Online ICT Planning Tool that enables the school to produce a customised ICT Plan that brings together SIPS data, the school learning and teaching goals and budgetary considerations.

Principals, Learning Technologies Coordinators and Specialist technicians can access the tool using the link: (Department credentials required to login)

Benefits of attending an ICT Planning Workshop?

View the short video below where school leaders who attended ICT Planning Workshops last year talk about the benefits of the workshop day and the online ICT Planning Tool:

Who Should Attend?

This is a workshop for school leaders. It may involve ICT or Curriculum Coordinators or classroom teachers involved in their schools ICT planning. Whilst a school technician may accompany a school leader, the school technician should not attend as their schools only representative.

Term Two ICT Planning Workshops

26th May, 9.30am – 4.00pm
NEVR – Eastern Ranges School (Ferntree Gully)
Workshop Registration Link:

29th May,  9.30am – 4.00pm
SEVR – Moe Regional Office
Workshop Registration Link:

3rd June, 9.30am – 4.00pm
SWVR – Bainbridge College (Hamilton)
Workshop Registration Link:

11th June, 9.30am – 4.00pm
NWVR – Weeroona College (Bendigo)
Workshop Registration Link:

NOTE: All Workshop Registration links can also be found at:

 For Further Information Contact:

Peter Maggs, Senior Project Officer
DET – Digital Learning Branch

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May 1, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Students Making Good Choices & Great Online Communication Webinars

To register for one or both of these sessions go to

We invite you and your students to attend two web conferences targeted at Years 4, 5 and 6 students. Each will be hosted by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and presented by the Cybersmart Outreach team. These sessions are available for all Schools. Schools may choose to attend either or both sessions.

Session A – Making good choices online Thurs 28 May, 9:30am – 10:10am (Teachers can login at 8am) The presentation will assist students to: * help students think before spreading content that may upset others * include scenarios where students consider the best choice of action * introduce the TEC – Think, Evaluate, Choose tool to achieve the best outcome for everyone  * encourage students to discuss choices with a trusted adult With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature polling and interactive questions. Students will also be able to use back channelling technology to share ideas and opinions on their own devices Session B – Great Online Communication  Weds 10 June, 9:30am – 10:10am (Teachers can set up at 8am) The presentation will assist students to: * Understand why online messages can be easily misunderstood * Recognise that messages can be hurtful even when this may not be the intent * Understand that non-verbal behaviours help us receive messages more than volume, pitch or words * Consider when teasing crosses the line and becomes harmful and hurtful  * Identify appropriate responses to someone communicating inappropriately Please note that the class teacher is required to organise 2 student volunteers prior to the presentation.  During the Virtual Classroom, the trainer will instruct the students to speak to their class (only) for 30 seconds about their best holiday. With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature interactive questions and discussions.

To get ready for the session go to the Game On resources CaptureInformation of how to access the event via Blackboard Collaborate, including the link will be emailed to teachers at the email address they include in their registration.  We will run a drop in session for teachers, the night before the event 3:30 – 5pm to test their technology set up. Victorian Government teachers wanting support with any of their web conferencing tools including Blackboard Collaborate, Polycom, Lync and or Skype are encouraged to contact the DET Web conferencing coaches

**For teachers or parents wondering about the age of their student and the relevance of sexting in these sessions I refer you to the research contained within the Victorian Law Reform’s Inquiry into sexting (Page 30) featuring data on children as young as 12. To register for one or both of these sessions go to

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April 30, 2015
by Jillian Brown

DET Virtual Student Leadership & Debating reaches South Korea

This week’s blog contribution is from Brendan O’Brien from Benalla P-12 College

In Term 1 the Virtual Leadership & Debating program hosted by Benalla P-12 College involved five schools, conducting one debate each week. In Term 2, the Virtual Leadership & Debating program has engaged eighteen schools from across Victoria and are conducting three transmissions and five debates each week.

Topics are always relevant, and sometimes controversial, as young Victorian leaders fiercely contest each debate. So far this term the program has debated topics such as: ”That violent video games should be banned”, “That Tony Abbott should remain as leader of the Government” and “That all children must be immunised to attend school”.

Earlier this week seven Victorian schools (Benalla P-12 College, Grovedale PS, Seymour College, Mildura West PS, Tallangatta PS, Torquay P6 College and Werrimull P-12 School) welcomed virtual visitors from South Korea (thanks to Jo Tate, DET Virtual Learning Coach) who watched two debates and are planning on joining the Leadership and Debating program next term.

The current program caters for Year 5, 6 and 7 students. In Term 3 the program will introduce a new program stream for Year 9/10 students.

Schools interested in joining this exciting program should first explore the comprehensive websites at (for Year 5/6) (for Year 7 or Year 9/10), then contact the coordinator via email:


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April 21, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Pinterest to support Student Learning


Many articles share ideas on using social media in teaching and learning. Usually, articles such as these focus on the use of blogs, wikis, and twitter, so I was particularly interested to come across an article on the use of Pinterest in the classroom.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of HTSABO

Pinterest is an online tool that allows users to create online pin boards. Blog posts, photos, posters and more can be “pinned”, shared and followed. As a casual user of Pinterest, collating ideas for the home and resources to support my hobbies, I had not considered the value of Pinterest in the classroom or workplace until quite recently when I attended the CSER Digital Technologies MOOC delivered by CSER at the University of Adelaide. One of the learning activities involved searching for resources by using search terms such as AusVELS + Digital Technologies, and here I discovered a wealth of resources and infographics at my fingertip, as well as connections with other educators across the globe.

Whilst I realised Pinterest would be a great tool for teachers to curate curriculum resources, I hadn’t considered the use of it for students…until I came across this article by Global Digital Citizen Foundation, which dot points 16 ideas for fostering Student Learning on Pinterest.


As with any online activity, teachers considering using Pinterest in the classroom should be mindful that they have a have a duty of care to Create clear processes and practices to manage online behaviour. Posting and sharing information online about a person other than yourself online or in any other way requires consent. Consent must be fully informed, freely given, current and specific in how the information will be presented and to whom it will be presented. Schools will require signed authority for any work, images or information posted online. School should understand that while consent can be freely given, it can also be withdrawn at any time. The school would then be required to remove the content/resource immediately.

The following information provided by DET Legal division may further assist in highlighting some of the issues for schools to consider when contemplating uses of online services (requires edumail login).


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March 27, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Great Coding Webinars for Teachers


As part of the Great Victorian Coding Challenge for Education Week, 2015, a series of webinars will be delivered by school-based coding experts during Term 2. These webinars will take place on Blackboard Collaborate. Each webinar will be short, easy-to-follow, and will give teachers the chance to test their own skills and ask questions before attempting the challenge with their class.

The webinars will offer an introduction to Scratch by walking teachers through the three different challenges, providing tips for introducing the program to children and suggesting ways in which the challenge can be incorporated into the existing curriculum.

All teachers who attend a webinar as part of the Great Victorian Coding Challenge will receive a Certificate of Professional Development.

There are three upcoming webinars to choose from:

Further information about the webinars will be sent directly to all teachers who register their students to take part in the Challenge.

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March 24, 2015
by Jillian Brown

The Great Victorian Coding Challenge


Get involved, intrigued and inspired by maths during Education Week from 17-23 May 2015.

Take part in The Great Victorian Coding Challenge in the lead-up to Education Week this year and bring maths to life in your classroom.

Using the simple software Scratch already installed on government-school computers, students can create and animate their very own characters and games, and have the chance to win a full-day excursion to specialist maths and science centre Quantum Victoria.

There’s plenty of support for teachers with no knowledge of coding, including short webinars, online resources and ideas for classroom activities.

Registrations are now open. For further information and to register your class, see: The Great Victorian Coding Challenge

To explore Scratch, see: Scratch – Imagine, Program, Share

To watch primary schools use Scratch for game creation, see: FUSE – Using Scratch in primary school

To be inspired by things you can do with Scratch as well as some of the many benefits of learning to code, see: Mitch Resnick: Let’s teach kids to code.

For more information, visit  

Queries about Education Week may be emailed to:

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March 24, 2015
by Jillian Brown

iPads for Learning Professional Learning Program – facilitated through Polycom and MS Lync

The Department of Education and Training’s Virtual Conference Centre is providing eight iPads for Learning Online Professional Learning sessions in Term 2.Capture

These sessions are for teachers and leaders who are using iPads in their teaching and learning with sessions including:

All sessions will be available via the Department’s Polycom and MS Lync services.

Recording of the sessions will be made available to non government schools who contact

Participants can select any number of sessions to attend.

Further information, including an outline of the short courses and registration links can be located here.


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March 17, 2015
by Jillian Brown

ICT Planning Workshops for School Leaders – Term 1 and Term 2

The appropriate use of technology to support pedagogy, school improvement and transformation is critical to its success. Transformation of learning and teaching requires more than provision of the tools – it requires ongoing support, professional learning, research, leadership and guidance. DET Digital Learning Branch and Information Technology Division is now offering full-day workshops to support school leadership teams through the process of developing a long-term school ICT Plan that:

  • addresses the learning and teaching goals of the school
  • develops a sustainable ICT plan that meets the needs of the school community
  • ensures a coherent team approach to ICT planning involving school leaders, learning technologies leaders, curriculum leaders and technical support staff.


ICT Planning ToolICTplanning2

The basis of the day involves stepping participants through the DET Online ICT Planning Tool that enables  the school to produce a customised ICT Plan that brings together SIPS data, the school learning and teaching  goals and budgetary considerations.

Principals, Learning Technologies Coordinators and Specialist technicians can access the tool using the link below:

 (Department credentials required to login)


 Benefits of attending an ICT Planning Workshop?

View the short video below where school leaders who attended ICT Planning Workshops last year talk about the benefits of the workshop day and the online ICT Planning Tool:


Who Should Attend?

This is a workshop for school leaders. It may involve ICT or Curriculum co-ordinators or classroom teachers involved in their schools ICT planning. Whilst a school technician may accompany a school leader, the school technician should not attend as their schools only representative.


Term One ICT Planning Workshops

March 24, 9.30am – 4.00pm: Truganina South Primary School

Workshop Registration Link:


March 26, 9.30am – 4.00pm: Bayswater Primary School

Workshop Registration Link:


Term Two ICT Planning Workshops

April 21, 9.30am – 4.00pm: Debney Meadows Primary School (Flemington)

Workshop Registration Link:


April 28, 9.30am – 4.00pm: SEVR Regional Office (Dandenong)

Workshop Registration Link:


NOTE: All Workshop Registration links can also be found at:


Foe further information, please email Peter Maggs






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March 11, 2015
by Jillian Brown

Exciting Global Project Opportunity: Students taking action to improve their learning environments


The Australasian ‘New Pedagogies for Deep Learning’ ( cluster is a group of schools in Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand who are committed to finding ways in which to give their students opportunities for deep learning experiences.

The cluster has developed a project to engage students from across the globe in authentic action research, which you can be part of.

The purpose of the project is to get students and teachers examining their learning environments and taking action to make them better places to learn and work in.   We all know the importance of quality learning spaces for our students but how much of our understanding is based on research and evidence and how much input do students have into designing their learning space?

This global challenge asks teachers and students to think about light and sound in their learning spaces can be optimised for improved learning potential.

npdl3 This opportunity also gives participating schools a common a reference to discuss when thinking about the process of creating deep learning experiences.

Students in classes around the world will be guided through a 4 week Collaborative Inquiry Cycle where they measure light and sound levels in their classrooms, collect data about their learning spaces, research some ways to improve their learning environments, put their ideas into action and then report back on their findings. This project is based loosely on the work of Dr Stephen Heppell and his Learnometer project

Students will be encouraged to collect audio, video and photographic evidence about their classrooms and share it via a Google Doc and a Google Slide show. (Please ensure that your permission forms are up to date and allow for sharing of images on the internet)

The students will be encouraged to find, use and share digital tools that support their investigation, such as decibel readers and lux meters.
Teachers can participate in weekly webinars and be guided through the 4 week Inquiry Cycle

Week 1 – 11th March, 3.45pm (Melbourne): Find out about how students in classrooms around the world can work together to influence the quality of their learning environments. Find out how your students can use digital tools to assess aspects of their learning environment and share their findings.

Week 2 – 18th March, 3.45pm (Melbourne): Find out how you can support your students to look at the results of their investigation and using the latest research, design a change to their learning environment that will improve the effect of light or sound.

Week 3 – 25th March, 3.45pm (Melbourne): Find out how to help your students get busy and make the changes to the learning environments within schools.

Week 4 – 15th April, 3.45pm (Melbourne): This week’s webinar helps teachers to bring together all the work that has been undertaken and examine the difference it has made within their schools.

Week 5 – TBC: This week’s informal webinar gives teachers a chance to celebrate their work on the Global Challenge and to give us feedback on what worked and what we can do better next time


It could involve one classroom with a handful of students or many classrooms across the school.  The most important part is to be involved as the key learning for teachers and students in this project with be through joining in the process with other schools.
The project kicks off on Wednesday 11th March with a webinar at 3.45pm Australia Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Join us to find out more about the project and how you can get involved. The link to a recording of the webinar  will be tweeted out using #npdl and #globalchallenge hashtags

It will be a great way for you and your students to not only find out more about your own learning environments, but also to share and learn with others across the globe.

Project resources can be downloaded from this link

Please contact Marc Blanks ( Wendy Macpherson ( if you have any questions.

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