December 11, 2013
by rcrellin

Online Professional Learning 28 Jan 2014

A series of online professional learning sessions will be available for teachers on Tuesday 28 January 2014. 
The sessions are aimed at supporting teachers to use the AusVELS curriculum, to teach in virtual and blended learning environments, and to work safely, ethically and responsibly online.
The sessions will be held in the Department’s Virtual Conference Centre, allowing teachers to participate from their own schools, using web conferencing software called Blackboard Collaborate.
  • Participants will require a computer with an internet connection and a microphone headset.
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December 4, 2013
by rcrellin

Virtual, blended and flipped classrooms

The 2013 Trends in Online Learning – Virtual, Blended and Flipped Classrooms (USA) report outlines the effectiveness and impact of technology in a variety of learning modes and provides an insight into future applications of technology enabling student learning and engagement.  Key findings include:

  • Administrators are widening their scope regarding the value of online classes to include learning opportunities for administrators, teachers and other support staff in addition to students.
  • Virtual, blended and flipped learning teachers are using more digital content with their students than other teachers.
  • Online learning teachers see significant value in the role of digital tools and resources to improve student success as well as their own personal productivity.
  • Parents who have taken an online class for their own work or job training have high expectations for their child’s school to provide similar learning opportunities.
  • Students are increasingly seeing online learning as a gateway to a new education paradigm where they are in control of the learning process.

What’s happening in Victoria?

Flipped Learning

  • The 2013 Trends in Online Learning describes flipped learning as students watch videos of lectures or read content as homework, and class time is spent on project-based learning and personalised remediation.
    ‘The sign of a great student centred activity is that all students are actively discussing the concept in their own words – Verso definitely hit the mark here.   As a teacher being able to see each student’s original post and comments also offers a visibility of their learning – you can almost watch it happen!’  Steve Seddon
  • Steve Seddon from Noble Park Secondary College has been using online video to engage students as well as make more effective use of classroom and homework time. He has recently trialled Verso – a web based app that creates opportunity for student collaboration and discussion around a stimulus question, video, images, files or websites.  Read Steve’s blog post for more information.
  • Find resources for flipped learning in this FUSE package.

Virtual Learning

  • Virtual learning allows students to connect, interact, share and learn with others outside of their classroom and school using virtual conferencing tools such as Polycom, Blackboard Collaborate, Microsoft Lync and Skype. Virtual learning can be  synchronous  where all students log in at the one time in a virtual classroom, or it may be asynchronous and involve students accessing recordings of a session to access in their own time.
  • Find out more – Virtual conferencing, Connecting to learn – for students and teachers and the Vic Virtual Learning Project.

Blended Learning



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December 3, 2013
by rcrellin

Different ways to blog

Blogs were traditionally personal websites or web pages on where individuals could record opinions, link to other sites etc. on a regular basis.  Today however, the blogging platform is used in many different ways and provide a great online space to share resources and collaborate with other teachers or students.  Here are some examples of ways blogs are being used on Global2:

  • Drug Education@CEPS: Annie Sleeman and Liz Dunmall, have created a resource sharing blog in relation to Drug Education. They have used the categories really well so resources can be found and also have a page for planning documents. A great way to keep and organise all those great resources you come across.
  • The Specialist teachers at KCPS wanted to create stronger connections between home and school so they set up a Global2 blog. The blog has allowed them to explore how they can further engaged students in reflective practice and to provide students access to learning for revision or extension.
  • Traralgon College have a range of blogs including their staff pedagogy blog to provide resources and support for staff as well as subject based blogs for students, see Year 11 Health and Human Development and Year 10 Bootcamp.
  • Blogs can be used for whole school learning area spaces. For example, Balwyn Primary School have a Health and Physcial Education blog which outlines what is happening in the school while providing a space for students to provide feedback.  Also Altona P-9 Food Technology blog is a space to outline projects across the school and display student work.
  • If you are looking for inspiration the Edublog Awards space has heaps of examples.

Edublogs user guide and teacher challenges – Have you seen the online modules and support from Edublogs? They have some great tutorials that are easy to follow and can help beginners right through to high end users:

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November 20, 2013
by rcrellin

The use of iPads to support students with learning challenges

Guest blogger –  Carly Toister, Cheltenham Primary School

All classrooms have a diversity of student abilities. In this day and age we are well aware that digital learning is evolving at a rapid rate. Our students have ample access to digital devices, so the question is – How can we use this technology to its full potential to assist these students?

The teachers at Cheltenham Primary School have been trialling and exploring ways to use this technology to support, assist and enhance learning for our students experiencing challenges when engaging with the curriculum.

We have been using the iPad in many different capacities with these students. But one particular app that we have found most beneficial for those students experiencing challenges in reading and writing is ‘iReadWrite.’

We have been particularly impressed with iReadWrite and have seen significant improvements to students’ motivation and feelings towards writing. This app has offered a way for students to save time and overcome some of the issues they have previously encountered, such as slow note taking or unreadable handwriting, allowing them to use their time for all the things in which they are gifted e.g. creating, communicating, making connections and expressing themselves.

Some fantastic features of iReadWrite:

  • Great text to speech function. Students are able to get immediate feedback and listen back to their work allowing them to check for meaning and grammatical errors. This fosters independence and reduces reliance on their teacher. It also gives students control over their learning.
  • Word prediction feature – students were able to quickly grasp how to use this feature. The program predicts what a student is typing. They are able to hold down to hear the word, to check that it is the correct one and also double click for a dictionary definition. This supports and enhances vocabulary skills.
  • The ability to configure students’ preference of coloured backgrounds and font size to relieve visual stress.

iReadWrite overview on YouTube

SAMR Model

Our teachers have also been exploring the SAMR model to plan, create and evaluate tasks set for these students (created by Dr Rueben Puentedura). It is a model used to measure the application of technology and its level of use, in order to improve student learning outcomes at any level.  The SAMR model has completely changed the way we have created technology tasks for all students at Cheltenham Primary School. The students who previously felt challenged and at times disengaged from the curriculum, are now creating movies and multimedia books on the iPad, demonstrating their knowledge in ways that have never been possible before. It is evident that students that were challenged academically are now experiencing success and students that were already successful are going places never seen before! They were not hindered by their limitations and are creating work of a higher standard. When, previously these students would have struggled to write just a small paragraph. The SAMR model is a fairly simple idea but one which has really helped us to evaluate where we are at, and what we could be achieving with our students. This model is definitely worth exploring.

The SAMR Model Explained by Ruben R. Puentedura on YouTube

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November 18, 2013
by rcrellin
1 Comment

2013 eLearning Excellence Awards

The sixth eLearning Excellence Awards of the eLearning Industry Association of Victoria was held last week.  The K-12 sector had a great range of finalists with the Royal Children’s Hospital winning this category with their Create, Explore, Learn App.

Create Explore Learn at The Royal Children’s Hospital (Winner K-12 sector)

The Royal Children’s Hospital is home to some amazing animals and artworks. Can you find the 5 special features hidden in the app? Slide your fingers across the app home screen to explore the exciting world of the RCH. Once you have found all 5 zones, a button for each of them will appear on the app home screen next time you open it, so you can return to your favourite activities again and again!
The Create Explore Learn app shares the art and animals of The Royal Children’s Hospital with children all around the world. The app encourages children to create their own artworks, explore the vibrant spaces of the RCH and learn about the artists, designers, zoo keepers and divers who all play a role in making the RCH a healing space and a learning place.



Fatigue and Recovery (Finalist K-12 sector)

Developed in conjunction with preeminent  PE expert Robert Malpeli, this interactive program gives students an opportunity to be involved in an engaging story that draws out the concepts behind fatigue and recovery in elite athletes. This interactive program is a clever hybrid of linear storytelling and interactive challenges that must be completed in order to proceed.  The story is exciting and engaging, told from the first person perspective (with the student as the camera’s point of view), with lots of action, intrigue and exciting plot twists. The interactive challenges relate directly to what is happening in the plot and becomes an extension of the story itself – directly involving the student in what is happening on screen.


Chinese Language Learning Space (LLS) (Finalist K-12 Sector)

The Language Learning Space supports teachers and students of Chinese language in Australian schools. It contains over 300 language resources, 15 professional learning modules and over 10 hours of videos. It brokers free access to tutoring based in China, to substantial resources like The Dragon Trilogy, to Rosetta Stone and to networks. Users can upload their own resources and create learning pathways. The student section includes links to 30 curated learning challenges that conclude with a quiz and graphic novel narrative set in China. The website is a LMS meets CMS mash-up, the first of its kind produced by ESA.

Released in July 2013, the site has already received very positive responses from language teachers. The consistent feedback is that the site is unique in collating so many resources in one place and that the LLS has provided many ways of inspiring students to continue to study Chinese.

AITSL Illustrations of Practice (Finalists Community and K-12 Sectors)

The AITSL Illustrations of Practice project brings together two key national education organisations, the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and Education Services Australia (ESA). Working closely together to realise a core AITSL remit, to support the ongoing professional learning needs of Australia’s teachers and school leaders, AITSL and ESA worked on a program to develop, quality assure and publish 240 Illustrations of Practice over a three year period from 2011 to 2013. An Illustration of Practice is a three to five minute video vignette showing authentic teacher practice at a particular Standard and focus area drawn from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).

The outcome of the project is an online professional learning experience for teachers at the AITSL web site and enables various education stakeholders to gain a powerful snapshot of current, authentic teacher practice from across the nation.


Presidents Award: Time Lens   (Finalist Community sector)

While not in the K-12 category, this app from Museum Victoria is a great one for students use when they visit the museum. Built by a curious curator, the Time Lens takes would-be explorers on a scavenger hunt around Melbourne Museum to discover some of the treasured objects and hidden gems of the museum’s collection.

The free Time Lens app represents a targeted way to use mobile devices to help families explore the collection objects, exhibitions and themes presented throughout the museum. Incentive and reward is provided through unlockable badges and light hearted animations, but the intent of the app is not to be an experience that takes place solely on the screen of the device, instead being a mechanism to guide families to points of interest within the museum and give them launching off points for discussion around the significance of each object.

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November 6, 2013
by rcrellin

Physical Education and ICT

iPads in Physical Education

Research fromLiz Weir at the ACU looks at how iPads complements the teaching of Physical Education in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) course and develops the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies that enables the pre-service teacher to confidently and competently teach children in the twenty first century.

Research highlights:

  • The inclusion of ICT in the teaching and learning of physical education can improve the quality and effectiveness of a program (Collins, 2011).
  • Physical education that challenges all physical educators to think creatively, more deeply and broadly will help shape the future direction of this important school subject (Kirk, 2010).

ACHPER Conference 27 – 29 November 2013  – guest blogger Trent Brown

“The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Victorian branch is the leading members-based professional teaching organisation focussing on the professional learning needs of health, physical and outdoor education teachers from Foundation to Year 12. In 2013 we have the pleasure of hosting the 28th National/International conference concurrently with the state conference that will see over 1200 delegates from overseas, interstate and Victoria attend sessions in a range of sessions

We have keynote addresses this year from renowned Professor of Physical Education, David Kirk (University of Bedfordshire, UK) and local Professor of Teacher Education, John Loughran (Monash University). Featured presentations include those on the Australian curriculum, Leadership in the School Environment and Next Generation Technology. In addition we have over 200 elective sessions for delegates to choose from including some fantastic sessions presented by practising primary and secondary teachers focussed on developing ICT skills in HPE teachers.

You can follow the conference through social media (Twitter – #ACHPER2013) or by following the @VicACHPER. Further information can be found out by contacting the ACHPER branch on 9274 8900 or by visiting the Council’s website or conference website.   We hope that you make this fantastic professional learning conference.

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October 30, 2013
by rcrellin

TeachMeet Melbourne

Our guest blogger this week: Mel Cashen

It is a Saturday afternoon at Scienceworks in Spotswood.  Parents and their children are investigating the interactive tools downstairs.  The chatter of learning can be heard throughout the complex.  But not all of it comes from families.  Upstairs in a quiet back room a group of teachers are gathering.  For some it is the first time they have met, for others they are old friends. But they are all there for the same reason.  TeachMeet Melbourne.

 First beginning in the UK, TeachMeets are informal gatherings of teachers who share their ideas, experiences and understandings and now run all over the world and across other cities in Australia. Made up of a series of short 2 minute or 7 minute presentations by teachers, Teachmeets offer teachers an opportunity to learn from others, share their ideas and network with other teachers.

 Teachmeets have been running in Victoria since October 2011 and can be organised by anyone.  Over the last two years TeachMeets have been held at schools, museums, universities, hospitals and next month will see a TeachMeet at an AFL club.  As diverse as the location they are held are the teachers who flock to TeachMeets, which are generally held every 1-2 months.  

 At this particular TeachMeet at the Melbourne Scienceworks there are some speakers who stand up for the first time to talk about QR codes, others who have been regulars at TMs share special projects or the journey of creating a book drive. You never know what you are going to get at a TeachMeet, which is the appeal to the 50 teachers who have come together on a Saturday afternoon.

 But don’t be mistaken for thinking TeachMeets are only about the presentations.  The afternoon tea break allows an opportunity to network with other teachers or ask questions of the presenters. Often there is even an chance to head out for a ‘TeachEat’ afterwards.

 One of the great things about TeachMeets is that it is professional learning by teachers, for teachers. Anyone can come along and will be welcomed into the TeachMeet community.  You don’t have to present but can enjoy the connections, collegiality and learning that happens at each TeachMeet.  

 If you would like to join other teachers at a TeachMeet or host your own, head along to the TMMelb website ( or follow #TMMelb on twitter to see when the next one is and register to be involved.

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October 22, 2013
by rcrellin

Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTVic)

Guest Blogger:  Joedy Wallis, ICTEV

We are pleased to announce that the merger of ICTEV and VITTA was voted on by members on Wednesday (ICTEV) and Thursday (VITTA) last week and that members accepted the motion to merge the two Victorian teacher associations to form the new association Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTVic). The new association will commence on 1 January 2014.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support during this year for the merger.

Both organisations have a proud history of providing leadership and innovation in ICT education and we are certainly excited about the opportunities that the new organisation will be able to offer members especially in terms of preparing as for the Digital Technologies national curriculum.

We are delighted at the prospect of expanding our thinking and exploring innovation and quality education resources and networking opportunities. We are now fully engaged in developing a calendar of events including conferences and professional learning opportunities.

The knowledge is in the network and we want to build upon that to service pre-service teachers to principals in and target early years to careers.

Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria as your professional teachers’ association is set for an exciting inaugural year ahead and we have a very positive vision for the future of ICT in education for all Victorian school.  We want you on board!

How will it work? Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria will come into effect on 1 January 2014. VITTA and ICTEV are offering exactly the same membership categories and membership fees to current members who like to renew this year for 2014. Your ICTEV or VITTA renewal will automatically be rolled over to Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria on 1 January 2014.     DLTVic Membership Renewal information

Nominations for the ICTEV Educator of Year close on Friday 25 October

The ICTEV Educator of the Year award is a state award intended to recognise the importance of the work of Victorian teachers who contributing to the use of information and communication technologies in their schools.

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October 9, 2013
by rcrellin

Innovating Pedagogy 2013

Have you heard of MOOCS, crowd learning, maker culture and geo-learning?  Do you know what they are and how they might impact on education?

Innovating pedagogy 2013 is series of reports from the Open University UK that explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, in order to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. The report proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education.

Innovating pedagogy 2013 – explores the following:

  • MOOCs:  Massive open online courses
  • Badges to accredit learning: Open framework for gaining recognition of skills and achievements
  • Learning analytics: Data-driven analysis of learning activities and environments
  • Seamless learning: Connecting learning across settings, technologies and activities
  • Crowd learning:  Harnessing the local knowledge of many people
  • Digital scholarship: Scholarly practice through networked technologies
  • Geo-learning: Learning in and about locations
  • Learning from gaming:  Exploiting the power of digital games for learning
  • Maker culture: Learning by making
  • Citizen inquiry: Fusing inquiry-based learning and citizen activism
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September 18, 2013
by rcrellin

Student modules – Bully Stoppers

Interactive resources for primary and secondary students

Four computer-based interactive learning modules have been designed for upper primary and lower secondary school students.
  • Bullying for Primary School Students
  • Social Media for Primary School Students
  • Bullying for Secondary School Students
  • Social Media for Secondary School Students

A comprehensive activity guide is available to support teachers to use the modules in their use in classrooms, including learning objectives, AusVELS standards and assessment activities.

These modules were developed by the Department in partnership with Kingswood College, Action Drama Studio, Cybersafe Kids and Techsavvy.

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