DET Virtual Student Leadership & Debating reaches South Korea

This week’s blog contribution is from Brendan O’Brien from Benalla P-12 College

In Term 1 the Virtual Leadership & Debating program hosted by Benalla P-12 College involved five schools, conducting one debate each week. In Term 2, the Virtual Leadership & Debating program has engaged eighteen schools from across Victoria and are conducting three transmissions and five debates each week.

Topics are always relevant, and sometimes controversial, as young Victorian leaders fiercely contest each debate. So far this term the program has debated topics such as: ”That violent video games should be banned”, “That Tony Abbott should remain as leader of the Government” and “That all children must be immunised to attend school”.

Earlier this week seven Victorian schools (Benalla P-12 College, Grovedale PS, Seymour College, Mildura West PS, Tallangatta PS, Torquay P6 College and Werrimull P-12 School) welcomed virtual visitors from South Korea (thanks to Jo Tate, DET Virtual Learning Coach) who watched two debates and are planning on joining the Leadership and Debating program next term.

The current program caters for Year 5, 6 and 7 students. In Term 3 the program will introduce a new program stream for Year 9/10 students.

Schools interested in joining this exciting program should first explore the comprehensive websites at (for Year 5/6) (for Year 7 or Year 9/10), then contact the coordinator via email:


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