May 7, 2014
by rcrellin

Mathematica, computer-based math and the new era of STEM with Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram Session: Free 27 May 2:30-3:30 at Bastow Mathematica is a powerful global computation system that can handle all the various aspects of technical computing–and beyond–in a coherent and unified way.  It is industry standard software used in the … Continue reading

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June 20, 2013
by rcrellin

Welcome to our new blog – this is a space to share what is happening, view DEECD bulletins and find professional learning.  Please contribute by adding messages or email

Some upcoming Professional Learning….
Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century

This course, supported by DEECD, is modelled on the previous DEECD program Powerful Learning Practice and is led by practicing teachers. It runs throughout Terms 3 to 4 and provides teachers in Victorian State Schools with a flexible professional development program showcasing how teachers from around the state are adding value to teaching and learning through effective and seamless use of digital technologies in the classroom.

Have you seen the EduSTAR Tutorials?
A range of quick and easy tutorials are available on FUSE

Comic Life on EduSTAR – FUSE tutorial

EduSTAR and student owned computers

A major feature of the new Microsoft Licensing Agreement is support for student owned computers, see  S-096-2013 Microsoft Licensing Agreement 2013-17

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