Social media for learning – the Yammer experience
7th October, 4:00-4:40pm
In today’s hyper connected world students are creating deep networks in social media. The potential power of social media in learning is immense but how can schools harness the benefits of social media while still maintaining a safe online environment? Throughout 2015 Charles La Trobe P-12 College has been trialling the Yammer network to provide a safe social learning space for students and teachers. This webinar look at the use of Yammer in the College and the variety of ways it has been used to improve student learning outcomes.
Suitable for all teachers and school leaders interested in using social media for learning.
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STEM in schools – setting up a maker space and club
21st October, 4:00-4:40pm
The importance of STEM is a growing trend in education. Where can schools start in integrating STEM practices and learning in their curriculum and spaces? The makerspace and maker club are a great entry point for schools looking to establish student centred making and creating. This webinar will share the experience of Charles La Trobe P-12 College in establishing a maker movement. Spaces, equipment, pedagogy and curriculum will be shared in this webinar.
Suitable for all teachers and leaders interested in helping students make and create.
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Coding in school – where to start? (Targeted at primary schools)
4th November, 4:00-4:40pm
Coding is an excellent way to both engage students deeply in learning and develop their problem solving skills. But where should teachers and students start? This webinar will share the experiences of year 3-6 teachers at Charles La Trobe P-12 College in implementing coding in their classrooms using visual block based applications (Tynker, Scratch and Hopscotch). The presenters will share pedagogy and lessons learned, and participants will learn that anyone can implement coding in their classroom.
This webinar is particularly suited to Primary School teachers.
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Leading digital change in schools – lessons for digital leaders
18th November, 4:00-4:40pm
Leading change is challenging. Leading change in digital learning is more challenging again. Choosing platforms, devices, professional learning, coaching, frameworks, and engaging reluctant teachers – the list goes on and on. In this webinar the lessons learned from the Classroom of the Future project will be shared and discussed.
Suitable for all school leaders and teachers who want to lead the improvement of digital learning.
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