2016 Quantum Victoria PrintACar Challenge

Registrations are now open to ALL Victorian students for the 2016 PrintACar Challenge.  Entries close on Friday 22nd April.printacar

This event is FREE and schools are encouraged to nominate up to TWO teams comprising of four students each.

Schools can book into the ‘Preparing for the PrintACar 3D Printing Challenge Program’ which is full day an onsite program at Quantum Victoria, subject to availability.

Below is the Field guide outlining the guidelines and the criteria in which the teams will be judged on http://www.quantumvictoria.vic.edu.au/Programs/PrintACar/2016/PrintACar2016FieldGuide.pdf

All registered teams will compete on Qualifying day, Thursday 18th August 2016 to earn a place in the PrintACar final to be held at the University of Melbourne during the 3D Printing Showcase in October (date to be confirmed).

Teachers can also register for the ‘STEM in Context through 3D Printing & CAD’ professional learning at Quantum Victoria on Friday 6th May. There is a limited number of fully subsidised places for DET teachers.

Please contact Anna to register your student teams, for the ‘PrintACar Student Program’ or for the professional learning by email admin@quantumvictoria.vic.edu.au or for further enquiries contact by phone: 92231460.




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