1.30pm to 3.00 pm, Wednesday 20 April 2016
As part of the exhibition ‘Land of the Golden Fleece—Arthur Streeton in the Western District’, Geelong Gallery’s Learn program is offering an exciting opportunity for students to participate in an online live workshop exploring the Australian landscape through the eyes of one Australia’s foremost artists.
Students will experiment with composition, line and colour to create pictorial depth and light in landscape imagery using the techniques of collage.
Limited places are available and priority will be given to schools in remote regions and schools who have students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Landscape workshop – Looking at Light
AusVELS level 8─the Arts
Details of the event:
- Overview by the Gallery Educator of Land of the Golden Fleece – Arthur Streeton in the Western District exhibition
- A hands-on collage workshop exploring the Australian landscape
All Schools can apply to participate in this virtual event and can use either MSLYNC (Victorian teachers have this on their laptops for projection during the event) or Polycom (if available).
Dial in number details will be forwarded on confirmation of registration. If you need help with using either MSLYNC or Polycom please contact Gary Schultz, Virtual Learning Project Officer – Teaching and
Learning Branch at schultz.gary.r@edumail.vic.gov.au
Bookings essential please contact:
Elishia Furet
Educator—Land of the Golden Fleece exhibition
T 03 5229 3645