Outreach Virtual Classroom

The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner is working with education departments and the Independent and Catholic education sectors across Australia to offer a range of Virtual Classrooms. Using the latest developments in online shared learning, Virtual Classrooms allow an Outreach trainer to reach many schools, even in remote areas.

Presentations are usually about 30–40 minutes in length, allow student participation under teacher guidance and include recommended complementary resources.

Upper primary: CyberbullyingCyberbulling montage

Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students.

The presentation will assist students to:

  • identify ways to manage and prevent cyberbullying behaviour
  • seek support if they are experiencing cyberbullying
  • be ‘good’ bystanders if they witness cyberbullying
  • recognise bullying online
  • deal with cyberbullying behaviour.

With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature interactive questions and answers.

Upper primary: Being a good bystanderBe a good bystander

Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students.

The presentation will assist students to:

  • consider the impact of their actions when posting photos and comments
  • be ‘good’ bystanders if they witness cyberbullying
  • discuss appropriate actions when being a good bystander.

With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature interactive questions and discussions.

Upper primary: Making good choices onlineWoman standing by a laptop computer

Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students.

The presentation will assist students to:

  • think before spreading content that may upset others
  • consider the best choice of action
  • use the TEC – Think, Evaluate, Choose tool to achieve the best outcome for everyone
  • to discuss choices with a trusted adult

With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature polling and interactive questions.



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