Victorian Education Excellence Awards – Winners Announced!

On Friday 30th October on World Teachers Day in Australia, the winners of the 2015 Victorian Education Excellence Awards were announced at a prestigious presentation ceremony held at the Plaza Ballroom, Melbourne.

The Victorian Education Excellence Awards recognise inspirational teachers, principals, business managers, support staff, and teams who improve young lives and give Victorian children the skills, courage and curiosity they need to be their best.

Individuals and teams from government schools across Victoria were recognised across nine award categories.


Lindsay Thompson Award for Excellence in Education: Sunshine College, Sunshine College Maths Team

Outstanding Secondary Principal Award: Anthony Rodaughan, Kurnai College

Outstanding Primary Principal Award: Leanne Edwards, Bass Valley Primary School

robSpagliaOutstanding Secondary Teacher Award: Robert Sbaglia, Crusoe 7-10 Secondary College (pictured, right)

Outstanding Primary Teacher Award: Sarah Asome, Bentleigh West Primary School

Outstanding Business Manager Award: Fiona Kirby, Old Orchard Primary School

Outstanding Education Support Team Award: Mornington Primary School Education Support Officer (ESO) Team

Outstanding School Advancement Award: Sunshine College, Sunshine College Maths Team

Outstanding Inclusive Education Award: Katandra School, The Katandra Project

Outstanding Koorie Education Award: Northern Bay P-12 College Koorie Education Program (pictured, right)KoorieTeam


For more information on the contributions of these educators, visit

To read more about the Victorian Education Excellence Awards, visit


Finalists’ thoughts about how they are making a difference to Victorian children and the rewards of their role were captured in this short video.

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